Possible identity of the Arbiter

“It’s surface blazes bright, masking shadows beneath” maybe beneath her mask is darkness?

“The blind queen wields a scepter of bone, from the deep she calls forth doom” I mean the Arbiter doesn’t have any visible eyes you know? Maybe she has a staff of bone we haven’t seen yet or the scepter of bone could be metaphorical for the shadowlands.
What I’m saying is the Arbiter might not be all sunshine and rainbows.

Leave it to Blizzard to genocide the night elves, then make their Goddess the secret bad guy, and Sylvanas the secret hero.

Well when you put it like that…lol


If there is a connection with the Arbiter and Elune I assume we will see some hints in Ardenweald. I hope Elune doesn’t use Night Elf souls as fuel to regenerate wild gods.

Or worse have Sylvanas secretly on Elune’s side without her knowing it’s the Goddess she is working with so that the genocide was aided by the Goddess to rush the Jailer’s plans for the Goddess’s own goals.

“The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.”

The Jailer resembles the Kyrian and their Magic is called Vesper Magic and Vesper means Night in Classical Latin… If burning Teldrassil and freeing the Jailer hastens the Jailer’s death(at our hands) why wouldn’t a hidden villain do it!?!

I have seen many of my fellow Night Elf players outright quit WoW over the years, always having to do with the malice in which Blizzard’s treats us.

I have been a fan of Blizzard for a long time. But I think something like that would make me just drop the franchise altogether.

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Might not be true with the gift of the night warrior.

There’s been plenty of exploration around the night elves and there’s now another in Shadowlands. :thinking:

Eh, it sort of looks familiar, but also not a the same time, the ‘‘head’’ doesn’t have the same shape, neither does the body (Arbiter’s is curved at the top/middle and the Naaru’s core is curved at the bottom) the only thing similar is that little circle. For a better close up view, go to your Order Hall and stare at Light’s Heart. It doesn’t really look like that.

Oh dear lord I hope this isn’t so. I don’t need Elune telling Sylvanas to kill the night elves for some greater purpose. This storyline is messed up enough as is


I kinda doubt it? Considering Sylvie in A Good War genuinely believes that Elune had a hand in stopping Saurfang from finishing Malf, its unlikely that there is a positive link between the two. I really doubt Elune was pro what happened.

As for the OPs concept … its possible? Elune could be the Life/Death equivalent of the Naaru’s Light/Void concept. We already know she has a ton of relation to the Life domain and its denizens, so I don’t see why she couldn’t have similar relations with the Death domain?


I mean, wasn’t he having his usual Sadfang inner struggle-monologue? Then he was paralyzed by Tyrande.

Edit: Nevermind, he said he felt light coming from above, probably Elune saving Malf nothing from Sylvanas though.

It was from Sylvanas’ inner monologue at the end of A Good War:

    Malfurion will live. Sylvanas could scarcely believe it.

    She took the bow off her back, drew an arrow, and fired. The arrow arced over her Horde and slammed into the back of a Sentinel leader. The night elf was still fighting hard, even with other arrow shafts buried in her body. Sylvanas’s blow finally made her fall. With that, the last flickers of real resistance on Darkshore collapsed. She put her bow away again.

    This battle was not about a piece of land. Even Saurfang knew that. Taking the World Tree was a way to inflict a wound that could never heal. Losing their homes and their leaders would have ended the kaldorei as a nation, if not a people. Even the loss of one leader would have been enough to create a tide of despair. The wounds of this battle would have bled, festered, decayed, and rotted the Alliance from the inside out. Anduin Wrynn would have lashed out in a final, desperate war, looking for a miracle, because only a miracle would save them.

    But a miracle already had. A miracle granted by the honorable hand of a foolish old orc.

    And an overconfident warchief. Best to lay blame where it belonged. This was her mistake as much as Saurfang’s.

    This conquest of Darnassus would rattle the kaldorei people. They would grieve for their lost, fear for their imprisoned, and tremble at the thought of the Horde ransacking their homes. But they would not fall to despair. Not anymore. Malfurion’s impossible survival would give them hope. Their wound would heal.

    Even in this dark hour, they would say, Elune still watches over us.

    And that was almost certainly true, wasn’t it? Elune had intervened. Perhaps she had even stayed Saurfang’s killing blow. And she wouldn’t be the only force beyond the Alliance to oppose Sylvanas’s true objective.


I see, I am sorry, I never really read it completely because of how cringe Sadfang was

Have you noticed that saving Malfurion hastened Sylvanas’s burning of Teldrassil?

Either Elune is a bad judge of Sylvanas’s character or(if Elune is the Big Bad of Shadowlands) an extremely good judge of Sylvanas’s character.

If Elune were to recruit Sylvanas she wouldn’t do it in her usual identity as it would derail her plans if it were to ever get out!

Everyone was a bad judge of Sylvanas’ character. Everyone here on the forums. Even Tyrande in Elegy:

    Tyrande could scarcely wrap her mind around it. Have I tempted fate with my arrogance, Elune? Is Sylvanas Windrunner beyond even your light, that she would burn Darnassus?
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Uuuuh, yeah, no… Most of what the nelves get either further dismantles their pre-established lore, or makes them scapegoats for someone else.


Although I’m inclined to believe the vesper thing is a coincidence, you could make the argument even stronger.

Vespers (Gk, Hesperus) refers to the appearance of the first evening star (technically, the planet, Venus).

Which corresponds nicely with your quotation, as the appearance of Venus heralds the fall of night.

But imo… probably a coincidence.

I’m going with the idea that he’s what Missy regenerated into after she and her previous John Saxon incarnation killed each other.

That thing have woman curves and wear something that look like a dress and wings.