Possible glimpse at the Titan Azeroth?

While Hearthstone is not “canonically” it can be a first glimpse of things to come(N’zoth was first added in HS)

As per that picture we see a new female titan. Possibly Azeroth?


Thought - Hearthstone is all the other timelines the bronze dragons don’t want us to know about. The actual “Inn” in the hearthstone shorts sits outside of their realm of control which is why we get to see all’a this.

I’m assuming it’s the bronze lady on the right?


i’m assuming that. shes the only one we haven’t seen before. Though its possible she’s the one thats been handling the titans stuff while they were busy being dead and sargeras forgot to killinate her.

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starring her and nzoth i’m guessing?

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Wouldn’t be surprised, our first reveal of n’zoth was from hearthstone.

No chance as the seats are accounted for and not offering her one would seem… tragic for the company.

edit: wait, I never realized she could sit in his chair. My mind was dimmed.

ugh-- that is canon though.

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Titans aren’t born as babies? D:

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I sure hope that’s not Azeroth. I would like her to be more majestic and wise-looking. Like a troll. They also said each class will get a Titan and there’s not enough we know about to align with each class.


Would be a bit disappointing if Azeroth is a big human though, since most of the Titan stuff we’ve seen that wasn’t placed on the world by other Titans tends to give off Troll vibes.

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Eh? When was this said? Titans are all Order. Which is Arcane.

They said it around the beginning of the video. About at the part when I stopped watching.

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Oh, I’m guessing that’s a Hearthstone thing for the game balance. I get it now. Sorry.

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It’s not Azeroth.

“This is something we ran into early in the ideation for this set. We knew we wanted Titans to be the exciting new thing for the expansion, and the problem of not having 11 canonical Titans was a tough one right at the beginning,” Georgiou said. So they made a new one: The peacekeeper Amitus.

“She’s pretty cool. She’s a peacekeeping Titan, and she fits a bit of a niche that I thought the Titans didn’t have,” said Georgiou.

From the PC gamer interview.


Could be a new Titan Keeper for Hearthstone instead.

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Argus even retains the design of the titans…

Yeah, people are horny for a Troll Azeroth even though EVERY SINGLE Titan, even new ones for Hearthstone, are more Human than anything else playable race-wise.


Her design is so cool! I really hope that’s what she looks like.

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Cool if it is a lil sneak peak at her.

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Hasn’t it been called into question whether Azeroth is actually a Titan soul at all? I could swear it was hinted that she was something else but the Titans thought she was one of them.