Pick a different weight point. I mean just by way of example being transmog locked would be a huge weight point for a large proportion of players without affecting game power. I would think VERY carefully about which Covenant to join if I knew I was mog locked.
Imagine having 1020 posts but not willing to have a discussion about a very concerning design of the newest expansion coming off one of the worst expansions ever.
Blizz snickers all the way to the bank as anything from WoD onwards was a beta product released as live and complete, only to end up with blanket 50% nerfs because blizz no longer has the talent capable of doing the math.
Nothing new here. The game they still call wow has no resemblance to the wow that once 12 millions played. Good luck and have fun progressing only to have your entire build nerfed into nothingness mid expansion.
Oh and lets not forget they released bfa with broken classes and an empty promise to fix them, it never happened.
I like the idea of each covenant giving different abilities on the premise that this might bring gameplay variety.
Like a subclass.
Covenants won’t be balanced the same way classes aren’t balanced and i don’t see people wanting classes to become cosmetics only.
The way i see it, classes have 3 specs on average, most of these specs have no build variation whatsoever.
So, having protection Warrior that choose Kyriam approach tanking in a different way than a protection Warrior that choose Maldraxxus to me is a good thing.
Imo, a meaningful choice is a talent I bring to certain aspects of the game. It’s a meaningful choice to bring Ox statue on Skittish weeks on my BrM. What I wouldn’t find meaningful but would consider it a massive hindrance was if at the beginning of BFA I was locked into that talent for the rest of BFA. That just straight feels bad.
I guess the raid loggers were the ones who stayed for wod, myself I quit for several months until ion quit flip flopping on flying.
I think more content was cut from wod and several major original devs quit mid wod development. It’s pretty easy to see the major shift in design philosophy beginning in wod onward.
It’s also easy to see that feedback is a pretense so that the low quality content can be shoved out with empty promises to fix it soon…
It distinguishes specs and classes to the point where the player makes the best of their choices. It puts the initiative in their hands instead of giving players everything, again.
I’m reminded of the old days when classes would have their ‘PvP’ spec, but people who think outside the box could actually compete with ‘non-PvP’ specs because they didn’t listen to the number crunchers and did their own thing.
The Rogue covenant abilities across the board are trash right now.
That is a positive.
They are once again using rentals to fill class/spec holes and then they are going to claim “cHoiCE”.
Trust me when I say this once they do a tuning pass in late beta a lot of these will not be choice.
If Covenants was purely about utility you would still have concerns about balance (eg racials). But a lot of complaints for racials really stem from DPS disparities or no DPS benefits at all from racials.
Covenants takes this problem with racials and magnifies it into a rental system. So, so bad.
Which is why, once again to echo what i said in my original post. This system being proposed is nothing but non mythic raiders (Mr. Mythic Raider LOL) to stick it to the men doing mythic content/high keys/high arenas.
The same thing happened there, dozens of in depth, backed with the math, feedback was given to developers who should have done this work themselves, then they did the late beta tuning pass with all the bugs and errors we told them still present, and promptly erased all the old beta forum feedback so folks couldn’t use it as reference when blizz uses their time worn excuse of, we didn’t get any feed back…
The beta wasn’t over they just erased the forum and then refilled it with shills praising the expansion that was the death of wow as we knew it and the loss of millions of ‘cyclical’ players that never returned.