Positive conversation about MoS/WCB

Good thread link and this is true.

A person can come here and say “Where were you then?” but if they don’t even research the history they can’t even say that… and that poster has made statements like that several times already. They have been corrected but they keep repeating this ignorance, which is sadly typical from some.

The majority of changes for Era these days I’d contest even if they were better for me in the short term because I’ve seen the outcome of what some of these changes do to the game and I don’t like it. It’s not about what’s best for me or my guild, it’s about what’s best for the game.

When Chronoboon released, I was more neutral, because I loved Classic 2019 and was more positive about the thought processes behind things. Now I see why the people who kept asking for Classic at the beginning were so vocal on the nochanges front.


I feel compelled to point out that you’re allowed to change your views on these things. It doesn’t make you a villain if you supported Chronoboon when it released but have since changed your viewpoint. I don’t think it’s fair to hold people accountable for not being against that from the start if they’re against it now.

(Insert Picard saying “The line must be drawn here!!” :D)

For myself, I remain in support of Chronoboon, but I’ve had several years and several conversations to mature and develop how I feel about it. I definitely see it through a different lens now than I did back then.

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Another thing to keep in mind about changes is the how and the why. Sometimes the when (chronoboon).

For example, did the PvP system get changed because tons of Era players posted constructive feedback on the forums and give Blizz their blessing to change it or was it because it was exploited and abused?

This is just one of many reasons why you cant just look at changes in a vacuum and why you cant reference older changes in order to get new ones.


then why have half the arguments been answered with just #nochange

as you yourself said in another thread, you hated the pvp changes when launched but loved the changes it made to the playerbase

Rend had alliance running UBRS almost every night, it was getting people out of SW for things other then raids, which is a good thing

sorry if I worded thing incorrectly for your liking but asking someone why they tolerate X,Y,and Z whenever they are still here, but A is too much is still a valid question no matter if they did post about X,Y, and Z.

eidt: since you’re going to put words into my mouth tell me where in this thread i said no one complained

Haha that doesn’t make it a good answer :slight_smile: I think it’s just a default blanket one for people who either don’t want to think critically about each change, or are just tired of it. Keep in mind that a lot of folks have been having discussions around changes in Era for 5 years. Some even longer, going back to the first talks of a WoW Classic in the wake of Blizzard’s pserver blitz.

That is a great thing, even if time limited. I’m just trying to shift your perspective here. A change surrounding the buff isn’t a bad thing, but the way they went about it just wasn’t ideal.

I proposed an alternative above which you commented on, but given all we’ve talked about, are there any ideas you can think of that both types of players might find appealing?

Because that was the goal and remains so to this day. Thanks to player behavior and other factors some alterations were made but that doesnt mean you forget or drop the goal altogether.

I didnt say love, I said I understood the logic and couldnt argue against it. Thats why that wasnt a quit point for me. They weren’t needlessly changing the game like what happened with the SoD changes, they had a real good reason that no one could honestly contest in good faith.

Going further, the vanilla pvp system is one of those things about the old game that didnt work when vanilla was relevant. The problem was it was designed to work for normal people and not the psychos that it eventually ended up catering too. That was a mistake on Blizzards part, they underestimated their players but its hard to blame them. It was their first MMO afterall. Heck, part of me doesnt blame the players. Certainly made things more interesting if nothing else.

We saw the same exact problem with Classic except all the psychos decided to work together to the detriment of everyone else and I have some personal experience there.

If anything needed to be changed, it was the PvP reward system. The whole pve/pvp experience through Classic had an bad body odor stench to it that couldnt be removed by anything except TBCC - total sweatfest.

In hindsight of the pvp changes they made I wish they would have gone fully prolific with it - make it a singular honor grind and just cap the weeks so it would take a weekly player like two months to ten weeks to get but I digress.

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This hopefully gets through.
But I’m doubtful - either the nuance is lost on them or it’s more bad faith argument.


i apologize for exaggerating your previous comment

it just seems like a parallel to me, you didnt like the pvp changes but admit they’re healthy for the playerbase but cant see how making this easier to obtain could do the same thing

as i said before i just don’t understand. I get Nostalgia i still like to pull out my old ps1 and play the old final fantasies or legend of dragoon but i would never expect it from a mmo because playerbases are always changing and evolving its never going to be the same.

Bring MoS back. More people want it back then those that want it removed.

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The pvp changes were necessary. MoS is not. They’re both changes but other than that the two scenarios couldnt be any more different.

MoS was never intended to be in Era. The alliance aren’t even supposed to have Rend. Its allowed to happen because “museum piece, warts and all”, oddly enough. If you want to change it to be in line with the actual vanilla spirit you wouldn’t let the mind control permit the buff and deny the alliance totally.

The SoD change that is MoS was obviously way more convenient and meta types love convenience - its part of their modus operandi. Convenience for the sake of it on behalf zealous meta fiends is not very vanilla esque - its more retail. Besides those phonies got their bone thrown their way with chronoboon and they dont deserve another inch.

MoS doesnt belong here. It cant be stated any more plainly than that. Who wants it and why is totally irrelevant and they cant make a real case anyway soooo yeah.


I’d transfer to a “no changes” server. Cool idea.


Damaging patterns???

Who hurt you?

Are really trying to suggest that the “no changes” community wanted or supported changes like this? Nice mental gymnastics.

The emergent, community-focused gameplay is inherent in classic era. Changes like stormrend do nothing but disrupt what’s already there.


all it did was stop people from lvling a toon on the opposing faction to MC for rend while paying for a second account

the alliance rend had more people running UBRS alot more than before, i actually saw pugs for it unlike previously where I’d have to wait for after raid

Bring back MoS!

What I can say is that all the top tier Alliance players ARE getting Rend buff currently. It’s available and its happening all the time.

The reason so many people love Might of Stormwind is because it makes getting the buff as easy for Alliance as it has always been for Horde.

Adding Might of Stormwind to the game:
Desn’t add a new buff and thus change the game- the same buff already exists and both factions can get it
Creates more excitement for Alliance players to run UBRS and get the head drop
Doesn’t affect horde players whatsoever as they continue to get rend on their horde toons as normal.
Allows Alliance players who were getting rend to spend that time playing and enjoying the game instead.

Note: I have no issue with people who would like more consultation before changes are made to ERA. I agree. However I also love this change and don’t want it gone.

Might of Stormwind is a great QoL change for the gaming community as a result.


We already get WCB. This just gave us free time and brought balance to an imbalanced game. There is no reason not to give us something that was just in the game and got a warm reception from the people who used it. There is literally no down side to this change, one of the countless changes that have been made to this “faithful Vanilla experience” that’s now using parts of the Cata client. Please put Might of Stormwind back in, and let us all spend more time actually playing the game you changed this in to.

On Alliance Rend buff is expected at a certain point. A lot of the people playing now are the same people who started playing back in 2004/05. We’re not teenagers and twenty-somethings anymore. Jobs, family, kids, sports, dinner, work, appointments, and just life in general get in the way of playing a game designed for a time and age where we had more time. Providing a better method for something we’re already doing in a convoluted dueling and mind controlling way makes people happier. It also allows more alliance access to raiding content they might not get to experience. More raiders means more people in communities means more people staying with the game. Stormrend ultimately creates a healthier Alliance community.

“Classic Era is also beloved for its wonderful imperfections. These ‘perfectly imperfect’ elements and balance make up the texture of the overall experience…”

The Classic team philosophically gets us.
That’s why MoS was removed and shouldn’t return. I bet they might hope as I do that players treat this old school nostalgia trip as a fun pastime that you can put down and return to at any time without worrying about real life concerns causing you to “miss out” on the fun.