Positive conversation about MoS/WCB

I think it’s worth noting how much MoS can benefit the longevity of the player base/population. Classic Era servers already skew to mostly high level characters. This ratio will only worsen with time.
UBRS is a critical dungeon for new players to make the leap to being raid ready. As time goes on and the people playing no longer have any reason to go into UBRS, the few new people trying to experience raiding will have a harder and harder time finding an UBRS group.
The most vocal people in favor of MoS are the Alliance raiding community but they aren’t the only people that benefit from the change. Long term I think it will also help the new players and casual players because it will keep UBRS groups healthy and frequent.

I get it. The conversations about this are coming from people who love classic wow. Protecting what makes it special is important. It’s also important to keep the game relevant. Keeping the population healthy is key. If there are no changes made to this game it will fizzle out over time. Who knows when, but the population will eventually dwindle. A change like this and the PVP ranking system changes are ways to keep the game we love alive longer. MoS is another one of the small changes that benefits classic’s longevity with minimal compromise to the classic experience we love.

Then the people that wanted the old game “warts and all” will be happy and new players to this version can enjoy the slower paced, old school experience that it offers. In my view it offers “healthier” gaming in that breaks are encouraged and returning is a celebration of falling in love all over again.

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This right here is a driving factor. We were given Chronoboons so that we didn’t have to coordinate additional timely summons to hop around Azeroth picking up world buffs then logging out to save them from burning down a bunch as we would otherwise travel to get them.

This is was an artificial scaffolding for players to climb around which literally did not exist circa 2004-2007 during original WoW, and only existed as far as I have heard during the private servers prior to 2019. A full raid group entering a raid with world buffs was essentially unheard of back in original WoW.

The addition of Chronoboons improved the current model of Era to help players not burn themselves out trying to get those buffs that the community generally feels are mandatory.

When we look at Might of Stormwind we see the exact same scaffolding for players to climb was in place in the form of timely summons plus mind-controls during server-scheduled-cross-faction-coordinate drops on Horde.

Might of Stormwind again saves players from themselves because they’re doing it regardless, it’s the common raiding expectation. It actually interrupts back-to-back MC/BWL raids due to the standard drop time of 9:06pm Eastern on our server group overlapping with prime raiding time.

Since full raids with full buffs was never a mainstream (if ever even done) thing in 2004-2007, but has become the norm 2019+, granting all players the option of removing the buff if they want to remain faithful to the original expectations sounds like an easy win-win outcome.

Some of us are way older than we were in 2004-2007, work a lot, and do not have the time for all this too. Please bring Might of Stormwind back, save us from ourselves, acknowledge none of this is absolutely true to original 2004-2007 WoW, and return the quality of life so we can more smoothly experience the joy that is Era.


Set of solutions for the second camp (alliance who think they need rend):

  1. Realize it’s not necessary to clear all content.
  2. Find a new guild if it is a requirement to raid.
  3. Get a second account so that you can mind control yourself if coordination is a problem.
  4. Therapy.

Bottom line: Might of Stormwind has no place in Classic Era. The players will have to deal with it and find their own solution.

MoS allows players that have loved and enjoyed Classic Era to have a bit more quality of life.

  • Some players lead very busy lives outside the game and this helps them with getting WBs ready for raids.
  • Not all players are able to get traditional Rend buff due to Priest MCs or MCC MCs failures, Drop Griefing, not enough MC capable toons, or time differences.

Don’t be cruel. Changes have already been made to Classic, so it’s not like this is the exact version of the game we played in Vanilla. Give us this quality of life item.

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And so does Chronoboon, or the changes to dispelling DMT that stayed that nobody is complaining about.

A change making it “easier to parse” doesnt take away from it being a net positive change on Era realms and that doesnt also mean the change is bastardizing the core of the vanilla experience on these servers to the same extent that something like SoD does.

Okay, give me one solid example of stormrend negatively disrupting any community focused gameplay (bonus points if you can do it without including WB griefing as “community gameplay”)

The very existence of Stormrend in Era is ‘negatively disrupting gameplay’ at a baseline because it’s a SoD feature that only bled into Era by mistake. As stated by the developers, Era is supposed to be a faithful recreation of the vanilla version of the game.

“Bro convince me this bug isn’t a bug” :rofl:

In before you “but chronoboons” as if it’s a gotcha. Would rather see those gone too.


Nef head turnin has not had a cooldown on Era since P2 release of SoD. This is something that “bled into era by mistake”. However, nobody (you included likely) complained about it, this change was so minimal and non disruptive it flew under the radar for alot of people.
There is no difference between that and this. Alliance can already get WCB this just lowers the barrier to entry for it.

So you’re good. All set. Working as intended

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So adulting.

Part of being someone with responsibilities means that sometimes you have to adjust your expectations. The world doesn’t conform to you. You sometimes have to postpone your joy.

You can play the game without the buff. If you have the time, go steal it in the Barrens. You have that choice. If you have taken all your own steps to maximize your own time management but still have trouble playing the way you want to play, take it easy. Era isn’t going anywhere. Live life and grow in your career, enjoy being with your family and friends. The buff isn’t your loved ones or company.

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You clearly don’t raid in classic era because all the things you are saying about it are ridiculous. You probably don’t play classic era at all right now. Maybe stick to talking about the things you actually play?

There are many more things to do in game than this. Try to be a bit more open-minded and welcoming of the diversity of entertainment people find in Classic Era. If you see the wider world view perhaps you can understand better why some may see your perception as selfish.

Be better.


Coming from a #Only Changes I like tool like you.
Sitting here hating on others for enjoying MoS and are sad its gone.
MoS which didn’t even affect you.

Wanting something that wasn’t meant for Era to be confined to the actual location (SoD) that it was destined isn’t “hating”. But telling players that they don’t matter, that their opinions regarding the game don’t matter, solely based on how they choose to play in the game does seem to me to be narrow-minded and selfish.

My opinion of MoS is based on the fact that Blizzard has confirmed it was not meant for Era. I have stated in the past there are changes I understand must take place due to infrastructure issues. I have pushed back against others that I felt were not needed in Era. This current conversation concerns the MoS buff. Let’s not muddy the water and stay on topic.


If you play Era, then this did affect you.

Changes were randomly thrown onto a server that isn’t supposed to be for beta testing.

Just because you found some of the changes personally beneficial to your goals doesn’t mean that the changes were appropriate for classic era.


How did it affect you?

It seems to have done pretty well for itself?

Where did they Confirm that?

Do you mean this?
You and I read this very differently indeed.

MoS is a great change that provides greater accessibility to casual raiders on the Alliance.
It does not affect any other aspect of the game. It does not harm the enjoyment of any other forms of game play. You have provided no reason not to have it other that “it doesn’t belong” well I’m sorry it does belong in the current Classic as we are far and away removed from an Authentic Classic experience and this added accessibility to Alliance players is absolutely desired by the community.

Confirmation was reverting the implementation.
It didn’t belong and was removed.

You don’t speak for me and many like me.

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