Portal Thread Closed. Seriously?

Seriously? This is WoW’s response? Everybody on the WoW team knows that people are actively discussing the portal issue. I have a feeling that this thread was targeted just so there’s a temporary halt of anger.

(Can’t post link because my account got reset since I switched servers, unfortunately)


And what are we suppose to be upset about now again? All the crying is just a big blur to me at this point. Everyone is offended about something.

This one appears to be open still -

What is to discuss? The portal room is active. Blizzard has agreed to create a new portal to the cavern of times in a future patch.

The portal to the thread was removed


But it’s not really ideal that we still have inconveniences like all of the other Dalaran portals and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms portal.

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Not sure what is new with that discussion?

Its an automatic (automated) response due to players flagging too many other players opinions - it happens all the time here. It will most likely be reopened - unless the conversation just got too out of hand and people are off topic and pointlessly arguing.

This topic is temporarily closed for 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic will automatically open in a day.

No need to panic - no one is trying to censor you.

The other thread hit 10k posts, so it was auto closed. Honestly, extending that thread would be a nightmare because of all the posts — the scrolling is already atrocious. It would be better for them to create a new one, but the other one is still open.

Not good enough frankly. MoP should be to the Shrines. Moreover removing the portals doesnt make the world feel bigger, just makes getting around seem longer and more tedious.

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