This thread is already going places.
Why do we want to kill another server? What a stupid thread.
Sorry, this is incorrect. The actual figure is a much smaller fraction, like 1/12th. I see where you went awry — reducing the figures by 1/2 for a faction does not change the ratio. The total ratio is close to 10:1 but Grob has more level 60 Horde than Alliance and DD has more level 60 Alliance than Horde, so the Horde ratio is more like 12:1.
I’m not sure being a fish in an empty pond makes one a ‘big fish’.
To be clear, I’m not interested in killing DD. I just think that Ithiliell is putting out misinformation, and trying to poach players is lame.
This post was in jest. I think that much is pretty obvious to most people.
This is just what i told to my girlfriend’s husband…
Oh wait
Sorry, my statement was ambiguous and it appears you misinterpreted it. Let me restate it: the fraction of the Horde population that is already 60 on DD is only about one fifth of that fraction on Grobbulus.
To put it another way, a small fraction of the Horde on DD is level 60; a less small fraction of the Horde on Grobbulus is 60. What matters for the relative power of your character on your server is fractions and ratios of different types of characters on your own server, not characters on other servers.
Three times zero is still zero, so if DD is empty, so is Grobbulus.
I have a tauren shaman on both, and been just logging on and playing, and then going to Org off and on, to just see which server looks busier.
I like Deviate, I wish it would survive, and I had transferred all my folks from Grobb over to there.
But this whole week, it was just feeling dead. I would go to Org auction house, and there would be like 2 to 4 people in front of the auctioneers, rather than a pile of folks on grobb, same for in front of bank.
You could say thats a good thing and less crowded, but it feels like to me, retail, when you go back to the main cities. Just not a lot of folks around and making it feel dead.
By my last look on Wowpop, 34k people is not dead, but it feels like it.
Grobb just feels more a live, and well double the population, if Wowpop is correct.
Im still torn, cause I know Grobb will be fine, and would love to see Deviate strive also. It just worries me, that I am wasting time on a dieing cause.
I still remember Maelstrom, and seeing less and less folks on it, cause guilds were transplanting to more populace servers, and dont want to go thru that again.
This is a layer issue, not a server issue. Layers control who you can see and are the same size on all servers; larger servers just have more layers. You just happened to be in a layer with few people in Orgrimmar on DD, and happened to be in a cityfolk layer on Grobbulus.
I’ve definitely had the experience of seeing no one at the bank, then grouping for a transaction and suddenly being in the middle of a big crowd.
I’d rather join The Enclave than play on DD.
I’m glad I stayed on Grobbulus despite being on the East Coast.
That’s how they get’chya!
Begone Pest!
Have faith tatanka, once layering is removed a lot will change, EU also has one Rp pvp realm and there also haveing major pvpbro , toxicity issue with no escape, if you thought vanilla wasn’t dead, well most servers high and medium pop are already way more populated then vanilla servers, play on both , play where you love, wait for layering to be removed to choose , from recent blue post some servers may never be able to play without layering
/offers a Tauren pipe
I am not a self-appointed DD representative by any means, just someone who does enjoy the community we are trying to build there and wishes to express something, at least on the behalf of the folks I actually play beside each day.
I want the people of Grobb to know most of us on DD don’t give a whit about all this manufactured drama, other than it’s making both our forums a trash heap of multiple threads about nothing–and do try to discourage these destructive and meaningless exchanges.
I get that having some players from DD coming over here and being confrontational is a pain in the tail, but do know it’s a small handful, and that most of us just want to focus on our home server, and not get in some pissin’ match about who is having the most fun.
I have many good friends and former guild-mates playing on Grobb, and hope they have a great experience doing so.
Could you please keep your night elf under control?? They keep infesting our forums with their ridiculous “recruitment” posts and it’s causing half this nonsense. So yeah. If you guys would leave us alone, that’d be great.
I hate to bump this thread, but you’re misinformed. The /who function still works just fine when you’re looking for data across the entire server. The only thing that has been disabled is the layer specific portion of the /who function, which was used to exploit layering but had nothing to do with census efforts.
You’re the one that doesn’t understand.
The /who works, I never said it didn’t! What NOW doesn’t work is scripts being run by mods. The Census mod uses a script to run a /who query. You are also incorrect as blizz themselves have stated that /who works on ALL layers.
If /who still works on layers, show me the command that will give us a layer specific who. I doubt you can.
Eh, at this point I’m convinced it is trolling.
Especially since Ithiliell has threads over on the Deviate Delight forums that they’re apparently making with retail alts, and then responding to with more alts as well as their main character, acting like it’s all different people chatting with each other.
That alone makes it clear at this point that we’ve got a forum troll on our hands. Props to Ithiliell though, they’ve managed to get two different Realm Forums in a tizzy over their constant spam posts.
All anyone reading this thread really needs to know at this point is that the actual DD community has no desire to poach from Grobb and Ithiliell doesn’t represent them in any way… in fact, they’re as pissed with her at this point as the Grobb forums are.
Just ignore her posts and carry on with your day. Whether DD survives in the long term or not, Grobbulus will be here for a long while to come, doing what we do best.
There is no such feature. /who only loads 50 players at a time since that’s the internal cap. But that’s besides the point. Blue posts have already confirmed that /who works on all layers.