[Popular Opinion] 1.12 AV is perfect for Classic

It was also frequently not zerged and had hours long battles.

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In 1.12 most of the NPCs where removed and the rest nerfed way down, so if you really wanted to you just blasted past everyone in the center and hit a back GY. For a while in 1.12 you battled like normal, but once people realized that you could fly past everyone and back cap, that’s what people did. And thus formed the first zerg runs plunging a once fun BG to what we have today

No what? What exactly are you saying “no” about?
I literally posted their original intent with link, as well as the complete AV patch notes.

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He gets a cupcake? Guy just gets here and get a cupcake… :frowning:

No, she doesn’t, except in your warped interpretation of it.
Also, AV was designed to be PV**PVE**.

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And 1.12 still has pve elements in it, actually quite a lot of them as the objective is still to kill an NPC, the ratio of pve/pvp was just tuned to be more heavily pvp oriented.

And as a result became heavy PVE and little PVP.
I can do this all day.


I am done with you. There is no hope. Your memory is faulty and you think posting patch notes proves something.

Here are the facts jack.

Blizz is giving us 1.12 AV and we will enjoy it.
You can cry in the corner like a toddler who thinks he knows better all you want, but this is the fact.

Good day sir!!
( I said…good day )

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And if you want pvp in 1.12 there is literally nothing stopping you from getting it thanks to the removal of most npc’s.

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Hmm, I’m at a loss here too; while we still can do the pve quests, there’s no time to turn it in, the game is usually over with and you cant turn in the quests the next time over because they reset. the other aspect is that the quests wont really effect anything because the opposing faction will already be at your base, wont be able to turn in the Q before getting killed. And if you do it won’t effect the enemy because they’re already past the point that it provides any benefits.

It’s not a choice of either playing PvP OR PvE, it was the combination of both that made it fun and different.

the NPC’s would basically hold the middle, creating a break point that pvp would engage at, once your in the middle of the map you need to push the other faction back which is all pvp, capping a GY is PvE for only 4 mobs which where easily nuked. then you run to the other GY, but half way you engaged in PvP again. Other players could go and turn in quests to give advantages to your team giving you more power/ armor, giving you an edge on the enemy.

Pre 1.12 guaranteed PvP, with small amounts of PvE. Post 1.12 it was the opposite, it was guaranteed PvE with small amounts of PvP. Of course there was some games that where different, but like it was said before, once the rep rewards came out it became a zerg fest to get rep capped to get rewards.

there’s pure PvP BG’s that you can do if you just want to only PvP, or try 1.5 AV and just PvP, don’t go after the PvE aspect out of it let others do it. But at least try it before you knock it.

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Did you play on a different toon than the one posting?

100% this though… It seems like a lot of people pining for it. But really I’ve only seen the same couple dozen names waving the 1.5 torch around the forums

1.12 AV will be fine and cause less salt than putting in 1.5 and then having to dial it back when games take days. Guaranteed that people will raise hell when they can’t finish a game and get their AV loot they want. I would rather have an older version but it will be fine.

All of the elite NPCs are still in the game. The NPCs all hit pretty hard on non-plate, and should be a lot more of a challenge than they have been in recent memory.
The graveyard guards can be upgraded by turning in blood, etc. I believe Wolf/Ram riders and Wyvern/Gryphon riders as well are still there.

One of the problems with older versions of AV is there was too much PVE and questing. So you could get in a game where half the team isn’t even playing the PVP match they are off doing quests.

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Okay you got me. :laughing:

I’m under the impression more npc support helped prolong pvp activities, but I wasn’t there, I was just following the logic of the argument.

unfortunately, it actually really hindered it. Its why it was tuned back as far as it was for 1.12… Which is still a hell of a lot harder than any recently current AV. NPC’s are at an open-world level for the elites and slightly higher for the non-elites as far as how hard they hit you…

It’s kinda like farming in tyr’s hand VS trying to 10man lucifron in blues

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I played on a different toon other then this one, my original wow account was hacked back in 2010, this is my second account, I also have a 3rd account lol.

The big reason people are wanting 1.5, or anything between 1.5 and 1.12 is the barrier that the NPCs made to start PvP, they where literally road blocks that you had to deal with before you could advance to the next objective. i.e taking a mine/GY/Tower ect. It stopped any kind of zerg fest to the General to complete AV, it literally just made PvP happen in progression style.

While there is the aspect that PvP will happen in AV in classic, there’s also the possibility that a zerg fest can happen too, and a zerg rush is much more likely in 1.12 then it is with any predecessor. 1.5 - 1.12 definitely punishes you trying to zerg, while 1.12 has small deterrents. With the current player base and state of the game everything is GOGOGOGOGO kill fast and get rewards fast, rinse and repeat. The players (like myself) that are quite adamant on a 1.5 or 1.5-1.12 AV don’t want to have AV turn into a zerg fest like it is now. The rep rewards you get in AV are quite powerful in PvP and PvE, so if people can get to exalted in a matter of weeks it will be:

  1. Overpowered players owning BG’s
  2. Easier way to complete PvE instances like Raids and high end instances
  3. Content killer, something that’s challenging and should take months to achieve now easy to get

We don’t want something like that to happen, we want classic to last as long as it can, and will people faceroll geared by the 3rd month it would cause classic to lose its flavor.

I also understand, and I’m sure other players do too, that most don’t want AV to last forever, joining the same AV they joined 3 weeks ago, makes sense. It would make sense having a time/resource/ticket limit. I believe that would solve most of our problems, make AV’s shorter and “beatable” but with the same elements, or at least close to 1.5-1.12.

anyways that’s my 46 cents.


Speak for yourself, I will not enjoy it and its a tragedy…

They can change their minds, that’s a fact…nothing is set in stone and as we know Blizz can/will change their minds given enough feedback or the circumstances change.

For me personally AV was one of my main things I was going to do when the server drops, if they use 1.12 AV I’m just going to skip it, I can play AV right now and win/lose a game in 30 mins if not less, if I wanted the same thing I would just go play retail.:wink:


It’s sad people like the OP see AV as nothing but a rep and honor grind. That strikes me as such a Current WoW mentality. Classic should concentrate on the experience, not the convenience.

With the very nature of Classic (a static mmo where players have 5, 10, 15, 20 years to get the rep and honor), the efficiency of the grind isn’t really relevant anyway. So Blizz should offer a version that’s FUN, not efficient.


I actually wonder how 1.5 av would work with 1.12 gear. Like when majority of the player base has aq gear or something and the npcs wont be as effective against them. Health almost doubles from pre raid gear to aq gear and surely by naxx gear for most classes. Damage nearly doubles for sure

With their announced timing gates, AV should be around BWL, so you can’t trivialize everything with gear on the launch.

shhh, they might hear you :sweat:

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