Well hopefully people don’t scare them off and we can leave good feedback. It’s a little nicer getting a poll on our thoughts than off duty. “YOU PLAYERS DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND SHOULD BE GRATEFUL FOR PLAYING THE BUGGY GAME I HAD TO TAKE OVERTIME FOR 172 HOURS SLEEPING WITH THREE QUARTERS AS THE PRODUCT MANAGER MADE ME EAT MY OWN SOCKS TO SURVIVE THE LAY OFFS LIVE!”
Haven’t quite made it to 110 yet…we’ll see how far I make it…
It’s an advertisement for their new guide to getting your cloak webpage.
1 poll post and never respond.
Oh I thought you were talking about casters.
You realize the only reason your melee outheals your holy priest is that melee is taking constant damage so actually HAS something to heal.
My main is level three. All my alts that have it are level one. I just don’t really care about it.
Maybe if this had been something implemented at the start of the Xpac and not while it was in caretaker mode and only relevant for a single raid (not that I’ve raided much lately) maybe I would committed more time to it. If Blizzard are just going throw this crap out as an after thought I’ll give it as much respect as it deserves. i.e none.
how is this not marked as spam?
Cloak? Pfft is right. Don’t need it, if you are not botheiring with, or having fun in the content where you might need it. Less vision rubbish, and make some more 5 man dungeons.
All of the above?
1 x 12
1 x 11
1 x 10
1 x 9
2 x 8
5 x 7
15 x 6
9 x 5
4 x 4
1 x no cloak
Level 10 on my DK. Level 9 on my DH.
Rogue doesn’t have a cloak yet, Idk if I’m going to bother. Same with mage, lock, shaman and hunter.
I’d like to see a poll to see how many ALTS have cloaks
I have ZERO. Ugh
12 on this WW
12 on my arms warrior
11 on my ret (will be 12 before reset)
8 on my unholy DK
everyone else is lingering around 5 or so.
Level 1. And will stay that way until the new expansion.
Another item grind is not fun for me.
Why does it matter what level our cloaks are?
It’s boring and terrible content.
Really??? Are you trying to be funny?
(Reply): Negative. I intend to praise all attempts at interaction and feedback gathering on the part of the CMs or anyone from Blizzard. More of this is what is sorely needed.
12 on the mage, warlock and priest are both sitting at 7 I believe.
They know what the feed back is.
anyone who’s below 11 cape/440ilvl is not playing the game. He’s loitering.
I can sympathize.
Visions work really well for solo melee DPS and guild groups with discord or vent.
Classes where you are hard casting a lot are rough. Healers are at a disadvantage too since incoming damage is (low) balanced around players solo without heals.
Wish I could upvote this more! I would have more cloaks on alts if they did major skips for this… Right now I just have the cloak on my ‘main’.
Same, only one of my alts is doing this content. The rest cannot access it so I guess maybe old WQs for them? That is if I feel like doing those…