Poll: Where's Your Cloak At?

no u

Def max level since it’s super easy

Ok but if you have the vessels, why sit on them?

Two blue posts concerning the same piece of gear, on the same day. I can’t remember the last time this happened outside of a patch release day.


Stormwind stopped being bothersome after like the first week after everyone got a few points in their research and figured out that the Hot Feet thing didn’t do anything if you weren’t moving.

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Nah some players still have problems with Umbric. Honestly I find Rexxar to be far more annoying (and with masks on, more dangerous) than all of Stormwind together.

Just level one on this guy and the pally… though the pally is slowly working through the zone for little pets and mounts. I have zero interest in the cloak though to be honest.



I mean… don’t you guys have internal metrics for tracking stuff like this?

Seems like an odd thing to poll the community for.


Says the demon hunter that have visions practically set to very easy for them


Max level, but not always.

I thought the entire game was set to EZ Mode for us :stuck_out_tongue:

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Have 20 lvl 120 and not even going to bother.


I can’t raid due to my physical disability so I quite honestly don’t even care about getting mine. My 120s are effectively retired except for running old content.


Level 8. I’m not trying to push it. Not in a aotc guild. I stopped really raiding after a series of health issues. So I play a few hours a day. And take frequent breaks from WoW.

I honestly don’t like leveling gear anyways. So all the systems are too tiring, but luckily easy for me to either ignore or take it at my own pace.


I don’t have it because I’ve done this grind 3 times already and I’m honestly just dragging my feet at this point. I know it’s not hard to do but I’m doing a bunch of other things like WQs, setting up my bases on Kul Tiras, running m+ with guildies, being depressed and sitting in the city contemplating why I won’t just commit to my love of guardian druids. You know, the usual.

My HPriest, Calansel (literally “Daughter of Light”), is Disc spec AGAIN because of that. Healer DPS should be on par with casters, imo. What keeps you from doing that damage in dungeons & raids should be the fact that you’re casting healing spells. If they don’t have burst? Fine. If they have big mana problems from sustained dps? Absolutely fair. But they shouldn’t be so god-awful while levelling or soloing content.

So out of 174 people 53% of the are level 10 or less. With the most interesting stat being 13% of those 174 people are zero F’s given for the cloak at all. :clap:


I can’t yet blizzard I’m sorry


I gave up, unsubbed and went back to FFXIV. The only good thing about 8.3 is the visions and thats it. Corruption is worse than Titanforging (just don’t have any additional systems to gear just leave it alone). Will come back for Shadowlands but if it fails as bad as BfA has I’m never coming back. Also you would be surprised how many “WoW Refugees” are in FFXIV my entire guild (Free Company) is comprised of all former WoW players who left in BfA thats around 400 of us with multiple other guilds too!

And with the announcement of the WoW Token for Classic, though its only in China but we know how greedy Activision is, Classic will likely die where gold actually means something unlike in current retail WoW.

So ya Blizz I hope you get your crap together because I want WoW to improve and I will happily come back but if next expansion fails I wont shed a tear because FFXIV doesn’t abuse its customers :slight_smile:


Every 10k coalls buy a new vessel. Yes you MUST do all assaults(they give 1 vessel every week for free+tons of coal, as well as dailies(250 each) and open the big chests after farming mobs for key fragments for 250 more, and the orange obelisk daily.

Main at level 7 and one alt at 2. Sigh,only 8 more to go :pleading_face::scream::exploding_head::sob:
(Cries in corner)