Poll: Where's Your Cloak At?

Just another casuals vs hardcore players. The casuals don’t care as much or if at all and will be max in maybe a few months, the hardcore like us keep it up to date no matter what.

Given that unless youre catching up on alts, and can only push a new level a week, why do we need currency to enter?

I honestly didn’t think I would enjoy the cloak or horrific visions. In the beginning, I was very uncertain if I liked or hated it after running a few and failing a few. Failing it felt awful to the point of wanting to quit entirely.

Now that my cloak is level 12, I can say that I like it. Its enjoyable. The proc visual is extremely underwhelming, sadly. The mechanic itself is great, though.

I’m just playing 3 toons and all have rank 12 cloak. My main has 7 vessels because I help my lovely friends with their cloaks because they don’t have the same time I do to play.

I would be… if they stopped coming here to tell us about it all the time.

That being said, glad you found something else to play that you seem to enjoy.

Because players can enter multiple times a week, regardless of the cloak upgrade. Farming mementos to fully unlock research tree so they can start hoarding mementos for Gouged Eyes, or the backpack xmog, or the mount.

If none of those interest you, then you have a point about only going once a week. But players across all spectrums have a vested interest in going multiple times a week for the mementos and the things they can purchase.

And since Blizzard hates fun, they feel the need to time gate that mementos farm.

wow, a blue poll on GD, they must be freaking out about how bad 8.3 is, and this expansion is being received.


To be fair you and triple dps specs like warlocks, mages, and rogues have dominated in the top 10 specs like every other expac from classic to launch. This is like the first expac i’ve seen where there wasn’t a 10-50% hybrid tax on healers and now we went from “Whoops, one class is 50160% better than every other one at everything, better drop the entire 20 man raid for 5 arcane mages and sell aotc moose carries”, to now it’s like one class is 2% above the median with a 200 dps difference from the median but it has leech that heals it twice as much as the passives you get from azerite gear and ice barriers and death strikes. Everything constructive we try to say whenever we ask for say a warlock baseline interupt has never been met with a interested warlock trying to get a baseline one, just nerfs, envy, resentment and hate.

Even if the difference between your specs t1 spec and a bottom tier dumpster is like literally 1-2 key levels… 8.2 Vengence is hardly op and all and struggles to pull half of what monks and prots do and yet i got to 12-13s of all dungeons on it last 8.2… now i got havoc and went one key level higher, and that apparently is because my class is so easy i don’t know how hard it is to play a braindead dps spec when everyone agrees tanking is 100x harder and will roast you on the stake if you DARE PULL WITHOUT a perfect 100% ez trash map route!??

It is looking like content ie story ,quests , dungeons ect are no longer the content but grinding /farming things like gear , horrific vessels, essences and such is


Got to level 2,decided I didn’t care and went back to playing on my alts and doing things I actually enjoyed.


I may be a pleb, but I’m not a cloak pleb.

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6 or 7 or two healers. Not my type of content. Won’t be going any further.

Max lvl, but only on my main. The rest of them don’t even have the damn cloak, nor have been used since 8.2.


We just want WoW to be a better game, only way Blizz seems to listen now is if money is involved and most of us would come back, though we would still keep up with FFXIV’s story its really good.

But ya WoW does have superior PvP, far superior Transmog system, and slightly better raiding than FFXIV. But FFXIV has far superior crafting/gathering systems, character customization, gearing is more straight forward (also crafted gear is viable where its 10 ilvls below the non Savage raid tier) and story.

I’m at the current max of 12. I was feeling a little trepidatious of doing the Lost Zones but once I got over it I not only did a full clear, but did a second full clear with a mask.

Been enjoying it so far, though my alts will probably just go to level 6 for the on-use ability and stop there.

I don’t have a cloak, don’t really need one as I don’t do raids or dungeons or high end content.

I do quests and that’s about it. I’m not into the end game, high performance stuff.

If I can’t solo it, I usually don’t do it.

I also don’t see well in dark environments and I don’t deal with “go, go, go” stuff either, too stressful. Thus no Vision content for me. And… no cloak. lol


Currently sitting at rank 12.

11 right now, but I’ll have it at 12 in one more vision run. Whenever I get around to that. Good news is I’m able to do full clears solo now so it’s a big help. I’ll start playing with masks later on.

Blizz must of looked at their metrics again and saw nobody bothering with the cloak.


This patch sucks Bornakk