I sort of lost interest in it.
To show players on the forum info. Half have it max, half do nothing at all.
Maybe if we get enough info like this, showing that half the players will always hate anything they do we all will finally realize that they won’t ever win.
Do you guys not have cloaks?
Where is my cloak?
On my back, of course!
Max. I like visions.
Just got level 11 done and then 12. My good buddy is so helpful! I’m happy with where it’s at. Have no idea what masks are and not going to research that. Now I can level all my alts up a bit. 5 is good enough for them.
Depends on the character but of my 4 possible I have 2 and they are both around 2 to 3. Not likely to improve on the weeks when SW is up. My Priests dps is too low and my resistance on my rogue is lacking.
b…bbb…bbbbut repeatable content is what makes WoW great. Don’t you enjoy spamming M+ for the 0.0001% chance the item you’re hoping drops, and drops with corruption, and the corruption is useful, and at the right tier so you can equip it. The thrill of pulling the handle of the slo…I mean looting a chest to see what you earned is so FUN!
They might as well just start putting bonus mythic 5, 10, and 15 chests on the cash shop now that guarantee and item dropping because it feels inevitable.
Missed out on a weekly Mythic + Chest? Don’t worry now you can spend $10 for a bonus chest each week so you’re never missing out! Then the hardcore players feel “forced” to buy a bonus chest each week for the chance it animaforges or whatever we’re getting in shadowlands.
I would probably go for higher if it wasn’t for the wall obstructing holy priest. Visions are fun in large part but our lack of mobility, damage mitigation and dps make it painful. Add to it that healers need not apply to groups and I kind of lost interest in it.
Might want to try Disc, Holy is so painfully boring for dpsing anything anyway, and I know you can play Discipline and Priest worth their mana can play Disc, you’ll smile when you knock it out of the park.
You don’t have to know how to play Disc to solo play Disc, just mash the offensive abilities and keep bubble up, heal and keep going.
Now make a poll about what the cloak level is on your alts. ensure that “i havent gotten it yet” is an option
Had to come searching for this, i didn’t know there was a poll.
The cloak makes me want to cry since it and visions are TIED TO EVERYTHING in 8.3. I can’t just hop in and get gear and play PvP, i can’t cleanse the gear i get because…visions.
Not going to lie, it’s terrible that visions are tied to everything. That there is no avenue in PvP to get even simple things like the ability to cleanse gear and that the game makes the cloak a must have to even enjoy playing the game.
Very un-motivating to play even my main much less even bother with alts.
I also think it is very telling 14% of people haven’t even bothered with the cloak…the second highest. Not good, not good at all.
max level here and have done only solo runs. Did my first full clear solo when it was still Rank 10, then got it to 11 which make it a joke sanity wise with being able to clear it all with only using 1 orb.
6 on the character that is my highest ilvl and that I seem to go back to. I don’t see any reason to keep it max level. Or even work to level it more. /shrug/ To me they also just don’t feel THAT fun to run.
Max , always , without even doing dailies (just assaults weekly)
Rank 6 on alt but stopped because i really need to get better(dps) on my main before bothering with an alt and have less time to play recently. Else it would be rank 10-12 , without doing any dailies , just assaults and some mini visions to compensate any fail runs
It’s possible that this is genuinely useful from a “Ok, let’s compare the actual data with forum responses to gauge the accuracy of the forums as a representation of what’s actually happening in the game” perspctive.
i quit levelling my toons after 8.2. F the cloak.
Heh, do you see any signs of Mythic activity on my account? No. I decided I was done with Mythics last expansion. Other than a few 0s for quests, I’ve not set foot in them. If I don’t like an activity, I don’t do that activity. That’s the only hope there is that it goes away and perhaps we’re offered something better in its place.
Visions are not intolerable to me, but they’re not compelling enough for me to farm endlessly either. I do them when I feel like it; but if what I feel like doing is playing an alt, I do that instead. It annoys me that I have to hurt my main to do that thanks to the endless power grind, but I miss my other characters. It’s not like I’m looking to pug anymore anyway.
I don’t think it’s worth grind. Alts don’t have it main has it but I refuse to do 8.3. moot point all will be worthless in 9.0
Where is my cloak at? Um… on my back?