Poll: Where's Your Cloak At?

I’m going to be optimistic and go with “people are far more eager to play WoW than we give them credit for, and far more capable of handling challenging gameplay”.

Very few people said “horrific visions are impossible, we need infinite attempts to practice”. Mostly, it was “why on earth would you limit the most interesting part of the patch to a couple of runs a week, when you had a popular model in the previous expansion which you could run dozens of times a week with less grindy garbage to do so?”

Of course, there are always people who claim new content is hard, and those people either very quickly disappear or stop complaining if there is a catchup mechanic such as momentos are.

The system is functionally designed to keep people well progressed with minimal effort. The result of the poll is likely more reflective of who is still around to reply being skewed toward people who aren’t behind the 8-ball in the first place going into the patch.

You could go with that, but you would of course have to qualify it with “people who are still reading and engaging with the forums at this point are far more eager to play WoW than we give them credit for, and far more capable of handling challenging gameplay”.


my complaints were never bout the challenging gameplay of the visions. my complaints are about how blizzard designs their stuff to be intentionally misleading, or they outright lie. when i got the quest for four pages, nothing indicated that i could only get pages in the lower two areas. blizzard even speicifically said before, or implied strongly enough that it was assumed, that you got a page per secondary zone objective in the visions.

then we get in there, run a full clear, and only two pages?

then there’s the pointless loot scaling.

a 420 for the boss, once a week

a 430 for boss +2

then a 445 for a full clear, once a week?

then it goes up by 5 for every mask added to a full clear, but only once per week.

my issue here isn’t even with the risk/reward ratio. but the fact that it’s only 1 piece of loot per week AND it’s of uselessly low item level is terrible. if it’s one piece of loot per week, it should be a better reward. if it’s a stupidly low reward, it should be every run instead of of just the first per week. it’s also not guaranteed corrupted like the weekly chest from running keys. this means there are literally only two reasons to bother with horrific visions.

upgrading your cloak, and farming mementos to max out titan research, so you can unlock access to buy the “add socket” item from wrathion later.

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.


Okay. Plenty of others were complaining that they were too difficult. I don’t want to clutter Bornakk’s thread so I’ll direct you over to the “why is there a poll?” thread, I posted links there if you want to see.

9 on this guy, but my Horde monk doesn’t even have the cloak because I can’t bear to spend a couple hours following Magni around again.


Haven’t bothered to get it yet. Don’t feel that eager for another grind.


lmao you really think wow has multiple millions of players still


This char is at level 10.

My hunter is at 5, I think. My DH is at 5. My mage was a mistake and I won’t touch her in a vision.

That’s it. I won’t be getting any more cloaks unless I want to farm the mount that much more, and those will likely stay at base rank - get in, hit the first mail box, get out. It has low replay value, I HATE timed crap (yes, my M+ participation is very low), and only do it on this character to stay mostly properly geared for my raid (though I’m not sure they care past rank 6).

I’m not expecting myself to max this cloak on any character.

I’d be maxed out if the cloak could dilute the effects of how boring the cloak is

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Um no? Not really sure what your post was for but you contributed nothing to the thread.

Keep in mind that this is not data, it is not even “data”. People are free to post on multiple characters that they have a maxed out cloak, whether or not they got the cloak on even 1 toon.

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There are plenty of people who have found it too difficult or who want to be able to practice it. Or maybe “wanted”, because most of the casuals have probably given up.

And that’s the problem with the patch. All content in the patch is gated behind content with a higher level of difficulty than someone who doesn’t raid and rarely does any instances would ever run into.

Does it feel more epic because the casuals have been locked out? I’ve certainly heard the complaint enough over the years that [x] doesn’t feel epic if everybody has access. I have no idea, because, as a casual who gets lots of unequippable corrupted gear, I have no motivation even to do it once.

Blizzard knows how many people have the cloak, to what level they are upgraded, and how many alts of players with different playstyles have them. I suspect that actual data would be too embarrassing to release.


Trash Cloak is my favorite variation of Burmy.

It changes its cloak based on the location where it last battled.

  • It will be the Plant Cloak if it last battled outside or in tall grass, or it is encountered on a Honey Tree.

  • It will be the Sandy Cloak if it last battled in a cave, or on a beach.

  • It will be the Trash Cloak if it last battled in a building.

Trash Cloak is made of building insulation and it looks cute.


Most likely the opposite. Why would they put up a poll if the numbers look bad? It is actually kind of funny they even put up a poll since they know exactly how many people have each rank and could have just given us 100% accurate numbers on them.

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Think they put the poll up after the first posting about the cloak to see how bad it really is due to the comments from the first post. (imho) Almost 20% if you take levels one though 5 and the 14 who dont care about , Still a big number, if you were to turn that 19% into lost revenue due to sub lost, I think they would worry .

Now ask what our cloak levels are on our alts that you don’t want us to play.


Where is my Clock at, you ask?

Why on my back of course!


I got to 7 on my foxy rogue and kinda gave up, maybe logging in once a week to look for alpaca.

Can’t get this tune out of my head when I see this thread. :rofl:


Bornakk, why? I know for a fact that you have this data already. At worst it’s a simple database query away.

Why not ask something actually useful for the devs?

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