Poll: Where's Your Cloak At?

I raid is only reason mine is maxed out , alts are from 5 to 9 . But its getting harder every day to log in . One boss left to kill in heroic then who knows if ill log in .

If you’re a DH you should be max rank cloak right now, there’s no excuse.

Max level cloak, with 2 echoing void items. I’m padding meters so hard right now :smiling_imp:.

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This is my first post on the forums in a couple years. Probably be my last for a while, but regardless.

My cloak on my main is Level 3 because, frankly, this type of content, IE easily failed, limited access time trials with no alternate path of advancement, is not compelling to me or many others if the internet is to be believed. The lack of matchmaking and how bloody obfuscated the ENTIRE process is also a stumbling block.

Basically this “content” is illustrative of the issues surrounding this entire expansion. It’s systems on top of systems on top of systems with no actual reason to participate in any of it. I haven’t even bothered to LFR the raid this time around.

Let me be clear, the Art, Sound and Story teams have been killing it, more or less. It’s the Game Systems(don’t know the actual department name) that are being, frankly, incompetent, bringing half-baked, barely cogent ideas and presenting them as fully fleshed completed components that are not fun to play and detrimental to the long term health of the game.

Meanwhile, your PR department is a literal nightmare, doing everything wrong. From apparently not engaging your player base on a regular basis to overreacting to legitimate criticism to THREE full-blown scandals in under a year.

I’m a farmer from Alabama. I realize I don’t understand the fine details of Game Development, only what I’ve learned from observation and more than one stint in retail over the years. But I can tell you that what you are doing isn’t working and doubling down isn’t going to do anything but throw fuel on the smoldering embers. It’s not too late, but you are on a knife’s edge.


One at 6. 12 at lvl 5 and one at 1.

Thats good but… that is just another issue with the cloak/corruption. I have gotten 1 piece of EV rank 1 after nerf on I believe was my 7th pair of pants out of both chest combined. Anywho they were 460 haste/mastery no socket with EV 1 and simmed 10k below 445 crit/vers with a socket and RP3. Upgrades do not feel like upgrades unless a specific corruption drops with a possible socket. This system is worst then WF/TF ever was. I do like unique loot but this is not the way to do it. To much of a lotto.

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Too casual to be focused on a cloak, working on my lightforged weapons and finishing the main questlines!

Im max currently and subbed long enough to get rank 15.

Because the impression readers would get from these threads is different from what they would think if they saw the actual numbers.

There is no way to get useful data from an open forum poll.

lvl 10 on main, and lvl 1 on alt.

For anyone that saw the hamster wheel, turned around and called it good early on, just two quick points :

  1. The 3rd version, rank 12, unlocks the transmog option in your wardrobe. Check it out and see if that’s worth it to you. It’s a pretty unique design, IMO.

  2. Rank 12 also gives you the proc. I do not know if it will be disabled in Shadowlands, or if it will be ‘active until level 55-59’ or something similar to the legendary ring and legiondaries, but that proc is a noticeable buff. Could be helpful while leveling (if left active the way I suggested)

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That makes getting to 12 worth it for me.

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I just came back a couple weeks ago. Hoping I can catch up.

Max level but I absolutely despise having to do multiple runs of the exact same content each
week to get the upgrade. Even Islands change per run.


I have max rank on my lock and shaman but I wont be working on anymore because of the essence grind.


On a hanger in my closet!

I think how it works at Blizzard is the CMs monitor the forums and select what they feel is important. They relay that to the devs. They are basically human filters.

So I’m still wondering who in the forums asked for Azerite armor?

Wait, we’re supposed to level them? Sorry, too busy grinding rep so I can fully use my new product…

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I never bothered leveling it on this character because this is just a vehicle for mechagnomes. Once I level up a mechagnome hunter, it’ll either beast the content solo (no pun intended) or I’ll just wait for shadowlands.

Funny the rarest number is 2. Tons of people got the thing then refused to level it, I’m one of them, I went for an AR rather than deal with it beyond getting it. I might revisit it on said AR, we’ll see.

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Level 7. Been sitting on a few Coalesced Visions for a couple weeks. Haven’t really thought about it much lately, but may work on it again soon.