Poll: Where's Your Cloak At?

It’s level 10 on my mage. 5 on my warlock and 6 on my druid. I don’t exactly have a main right now.

I lost interest in the grind about week 3.

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Why though, higher cloak = higher corruption resistance = can wear more corruption effects without too much side effects = more dps.

Isn’t that what everyone wants, more dps?

At the time I saw the post this morning the cloak on this character is at max level.

It’s not always there though and had I seen this last night the answer would have been Rank 10 because I skipped Stormwind last week and I hadn’t gotten around to it until later last evening.

It’s a huge waste of time for my personal playstyle.

I have three cloaks and working on a fourth. Two are max level but those are pally and Demon hunter, basically easy classes to do the visions with. My priest is stuck at 7 because its a pain to do the visions compared to the other two.

What is cloak?

I mean I’m max right now but my sub is done so I picked the no cloak option. I won’t be playing WoW until after Shadowlands comes out if I play again.

Likely a lot less then people who don’t actually have max cloak(always) but voted for it anyway. Those who think they will have max rank soon/eventually or think they already have max rank when they don’t.

Level 5 on this guy, 7 on the only other character I bothered to do the quest line on. Solo’ing as enhancement sucks, and PuGs seem to be hit or miss. That and I avoid SW weeks.

I am enjoying doing the visions on different classes.

“why not just make 10 the highest cloak, but make 10 just a little better?”

“… these go to 11.”

Mostly 5-6 across multiple chars.

Level 8 is my highest.

As a casual I am mostly in it to try and farm the mail muncher mount.

TBH I would do more horrific vision content if:

  1. The dailies were not such a pain to do.

  2. The timer was not there.
    -I would have just locked the areas based on cloak level and added the timer into the mask mode.
    -In terms of gear, I would be fine with removing all the gear from non-mask runs since anything below 440 is kinda crummy.

  3. The rewards are bad and I would have adjusted wrathion’s merchandise:
    -The current vanity items would be nice if they were simply a reward for upgrading the cloak. Backpack for rank 5, pet/toy for 10, and mount for 15.
    -I would keep the socket item, but also add in boa gear tokens, items to corrupt gear, and maybe boa essences.

Maybe you guys can make those changes in the next mini-patch thing?


10 well almost 11.

Whats mementos got to do with vessels? You should have gotten tons of vessels to run more.

Some researches are a must to do good for some classes.

I would recommend grouping with higher dps or even a tank. Until you get enough researches to do it solo.

I was about to say that…just group up with FOTM classes like outlaw rogue or DH who can clear it like candy.

level 9 on my “main” and level 8 on my “primary alt” doing the visions get to be a pain in the @… after a while when having to do them solo.

Unless they don’t want to waste vessels dragging someone along…

Just wait a few months when you have to do 5 mask clears to keep upgrading the cloak and people are selling runs for that too. Not that anyone will complain cause the only people left playing will be buyers and sellers and Blizz will keep taking in cash from the whales paying for everyone’s sub.