Why get it up? There is ZERO point in getting any gear anymore. It is too easy to get. And it is just going to be scaled down next expac and if WoW has another expac, then the gear you have then is going to be scaled down again and again. and again.
I am never ever, ever going to get your cloak. No need becuase the dev team is just going to remove it as soon as the prepatch launces. They never used to do that with legandaries but they do now.
I’m not interested in farming the same content over and over just to get a vessel. I’m already bored to tears with it on my primary mains and stopped doing it. There is no way on gods green earth I’m touching this on my alts. Most of them don’t even have the cloak and won’t be getting it.
Participation doesn’t equate max levels. Only 14% don’t participate at all. And many of them are on the hate wagon I talked about. Do they even have a max level character? Do they really not have any character with it?
This thread is only to raise awareness about it for people that genuinely don’t know about the cloak.
I only do the dailies in the major assault zones. I figure, I’m already there for the mini vision, might as well do the dailies.
I have the same idea for the minor assault. Since it’s bi-weekly, I do the dailies there twice a week. As such, tonight, I’ll have two sets of dailies to do.
5/8 pages to 11. That was like 4 runs. Couple of two max, couple of fail dead after one side or nothing. It’s hit and miss to pug. One time everyone died and expected me to down alleria solo from half health when we didn’t cleanse insanity before engaging. Yeah no.
I’m actually doing most solo stuff in ret. Prot is for group stuff. I’ve managed a solo clear with 2 masks so far as ret, but I hear it might be an even better choice to go prot and that I might even 5 masks clear. I’ll try that tonight when I have a vessel.