Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

Roleplay. Not that you guys have cared since like… Vanilla.


eh, it’s fine

Them simply “flipping a switch” and making Timewalking dungeons always available would give an alternative to the boring-ness/monotony of questing

I find that speed-spamming TW dungeons actually keeps me on my toes/keeps me awake, never feel bored with those :sweat_smile:

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Its the legit same crap as 10-60 for 60-70…

I’d love to see timewalking be permanent. But they also need to fix Chromie time.


I personally enjoy playing World of Warcraft for the various achievements to be completed. Also enjoy collecting the large vast amount of mounts, pets, toys, and transmog sets there is to offer! :smiley:


Yea make it viable till 70. But blizz devs need their 25$ california starbucks coffies dranks

And also have it so it doesn’t immediately boot people. When they can cap xp, it just makes no sense to boot.

dragonflight pvp and really, wow pvp, in general, are my favorite game mode because no game is identical to another. I feel like it’s a game mode in which you can find basically infinite novelty and learn new things about the game and how certain abilities interact, which is a rewarding experience.

I used to be a mythic raider and got cutting edge and it really is a night and day difference from the monotony of doing the same boss… over. and over… wiping… and wiping, until you and your guild finnnnnaaalllly clear it and repeat the process on the next boss.

I really wish more people would pvp so they could see for themselves how exciting it can be. Once I tried pvp in bfa(to get azerite gear for pve no less), I was hooked and even quit raiding so i could pvp more - it’s just too much fun.

And now as regards for dragonflight, I really like that the devs are doing more tuning, I think it keeps the game fresh. However, i feel like 10.0 tuning was typically too harsh and wiped a lot of specs while being playable, and the ret rework in 10.7 turned a really good season into probably one of the worst in recent times. But i get why… you spent all this time reworking ret, so it HAD to be good so the ret’s can get their kick out of it.

Just please don’t do that to us again, a lot of people simply stopped playing since you either had to play ret, play with a ret teammate, or lose.




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Yea the booting is bs. Was doing human questline and dinged 60 and was booted out mid quest. Had to restart the quest i was on


It’s kind of odd that there is no allowance for multiple choices.


And that it allows alts to vote.


It’s always what I’ve said the competitive one in particular the pvp is what keeps the games alive. If you look at all the top games on the market, they are esports pvp games. league of legends, valorant, csgo, dota 2, fortnite, COD etc.

Poll says otherwise.

Raiders high on copium as usual.

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This just in. Pvp player homeless population skyrockets after first week of dragonflight!

As rousing ires price plummets so does the sustainability of pvpers!

Many pvpers now starve eating the grey drops from their “reward chest lol”

Oh the misery! When will it end!

Add back in gold per chest or per win for pvpers blizzard. I cannot even afford a CONJURED FOOD ROLL

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I believe it’s fine for people that don’t want to ‘enjoy’ leveling but for others who want to take their time and just sit back and level like you did in MoP/WoD it’s pretty meh.

Adding a game mode option that could decrease xp gained and make mobs a little tougher would be fun.

I tend to prever world/outdoor questing to most other modes because I’m not on anybody else’s clock. I can set my own pace and I’m not holding anyone back but myself if I’m not efficient or playing a meta class/spec.

5-man dungeons used to be my favorite mode, but ever since they became gogogo pullfests the allure vanished. I used to main a healer. Now my priest is shadow and is disc spec only for world quests that would kill me in shadow spec but are potentially survivable in disc spec. M+ only accelerated the gogogo mentality. It would be nice to have a queuable Mythic mode without the timer. It can top out at a lower M+ difficulty level, but still allow those that can’t stand the timer this and timer that content to actually have something to enjoy when it comes to dungeons. I did dungeons in Shadowlands only a couple of times, and only for very specific things: a drop that was an upgrade at the time and to be able to get the slime cat battle pet. And I hated every moment of it because nobody enjoyed being part of the run, likely for the very reason I’ve pointed out here.


DF PVP > Raiding/Mythic+ > Classic HC > Classic PVP > Wrath Classic Dungeons > Classic Raiding > Classic Era > Other > Leveling :nauseated_face:

Or they could add that option like timewalking does. Stick your toon at a certain level and gain xp towards current xpac and when youre done you go back to 68 or 70 if reached

TBC Era PvP.

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