Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

gang gang paul pride

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The only reason to do raiding nowadays is Mythic and its participation is stable. Anything under it has dropped a lot. Mythic is not really the problem more than heroic and normal just not being worth to run at all when M+ exist.

They better improve M+ since its the most content that people play

True, I mostly collect mounts, so I do every type of content to a certain level…I’d to pick Other.


True but Mythic works for only a small % of players, since you can check raider IO and there’s a massive drop of % between cores that complete 8/8 Heroic to Mythic, It’s an impossible task to fix raiding now.

Is this poll some “Quarterly Reports” survey about how well the game is?

People will look for literally any excuse to complain about m+.


Just goes to show that the forums isnt the place to be taking polls… Retail is a dumpster fire the pvp is atrociously bad and its ranked #2 here.

Listening to people on the forums is probably what led us to the current Retail in the first place

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Is it?

BGs are fun. Shuffle, too. :dracthyr_yay_animated: Not everybody is sweating in arena.


The duck pvp WQ has made world pvp by far my favourite thing to do.

Solo shuffle is also kinda good. Both are more fun than raiding and m+ it’s just a shame they have much higher barriers to entry and having fun.


Yeah, wpvp around the world quests and air drops have been a funny time. I always punt somebody off the cliff at the duck wq. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


PVP 100%

100% PVP

I enjoy Dragonflight Player v Player

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Blizzard as usual once again forgetting that Roleplaying exists and that one of their largest servers is full of people RPing as their main game mode.


Remember, this poll will be biased toward players that actually look at the forums and media talking about the game.

It’s one of the most repetitive parts of the game especially end game, if that’s someone’s way of having fun more power to them, but boy it gets old fast when you run multiple keys a day.


worst pvp season in history yet still enjoy pvp more than anything. gearing is almost perfect, but still has way too much pve influence due to pve designed tier sets and sparks being a requirement to craft pvp gear (screws over players that do both).

now that we’ve proven that people do, indeed, care about pvp… can we PLEASE some more development time so we can thrive again?

Mmm idk about the worst but it was bad. 10.0.7 ruined it yeah so did mmr but I’ve seen worse corrupted comes to mind or sl s3/4

I like crafting, professions, and playing the Auction House.


10.0.7 plus huge deflation due to a critical mistake by blizzard plus rewards being shared with shuffle. it was awful.

Tbc and vanilla raiding are more fun than anything else from Wrath onwards. Classic raiding somehow feels like more of an accomplishment, despite the fact that the bosses aren’t even necessarily harder than in retail.

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