Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

All you need to know is that more people like PvP than you think, and you’re neglecting it in proportion to the number of people participating in PvP activities.
Also why isn’t RP on the poll?


Vanilla and Classic were by far the best. I’d love some more RPG with my MMORPG, though. Dragonflight is the best it’s been since Legion.


Mine is pet collecting followed by mounts and mogs. But basically everything I do in game is geared towards pets :3

Sadly this wasn’t an option so chose ‘other’ :slight_smile:


By playing WC1-3.


I was wondering that myself.


Yo! You feel like it gets plenty of resources, thats cool. Plenty or not - im saying lets give it more. No one is wrong or right, its just a difference in what we both want :slight_smile:

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Is it gonna be bad for the DF team when Classic Raiding wins this poll?

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they put “hardcore classic” on there, something that isn’t even formalized and just a spin off someone did before collecting mogs/pets/mounts, before profession leveling/gold farming etc.

lol and forget about RP. this is world of raidcraft. learn your place. /s


I hope classic raiding is also WOTLK Raiding, because not so sure I’d do 40 man raids again.

After a long LONG hiatus I came back for wotlk classic (pvp). However what required to be competitive in 2022 did not live up to my nostalgic memories.

I have hopped over to dragonflight (pvp) and am loving it, the ease of gearing is everything I wanted. Shuffle (healer main) is amazing. I room every healer to 1800 and 2400 on my main rdru.

Also loving the changes for s2 with crafted gear, very excited for the new season!

To the poll 80% pvp / 10% questing / 10% transmog collecting


wotlk classic arena

PLEASE fix leveling in retail!
10-60 is awful and boring, 60-70 is so good!


Classic Raiding. I love hanging out, pumping down some bosses, getting the loot, and hitting harder. Just enough challenge that everything doesn’t fall over but not so hard it becomes a stressful wipefest. I play games to relax and have fun.

Classic+ please <3

Yeah, those were actually more fun than Mythic+, the leaderboards were and titles too.


voted Wrath Dungeons, but as it stands it’s hard to actually get into a group other than a Titan Rune dungeon without RDF


just rp that the option is there, are you even a rper?


Because people play WOTLK for the raids… that’s why. Nobody does dungeon in classic, we raid log.

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i like level locking characters at level 50-ish and doing old content in chromie time. I like doing old quest and outdoor content but oneshoting everything isnt fun.

Would love if chromie time level scaling worked at max level, even if you got no rewards for doing old quests


Dragonflight PVP. Really love the gearing, balance changes, and RSS. We need more BGs though.


Classic Era is great. I’d love to see it gain a hypothetical ‘Phase 7’ with novel content that stays true to the spirit of Classic WoW.