Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

PvP this expansion is fun when classes are actually balanced properly. : / cough

vanilla+ with class balancing and some new content please!

I would’ve said DF PvP. It’s absolutely beautiful, the intricacy of Retail PvP. Everything is more balanced, there is a great amount of nuance and skill that goes into doing it well, not to mention all the random luck interactions. Just fantastic. This is the main, basically only reason I play WoW. Retail PvP full stop.

I enjoy M+ and Raiding the most. I don’t find the other stuff as fun.

I’m kinda surprised PVP is so high, is it actually good this expansion or is this one of those things where the forum players are such a specific part of the player base?

My preferences pretty much match yours, though my experience has been a bit different: for instance, even when I felt understood how to play at least some of my toons’ specs well, I’ve never been up to Mythic+ (except for a couple of low +s in BfA, when I realized that my reactions had gotten too slow to contribute in a 5-man scenario where speed was everything [well, that and avoiding the affix de la semaine]). I did run LFR in WoD (that was the last time, iirc), because it provided a reward system for casual players: Valor points, the bête noire of Mythic raiders (how dare non-raiders be allowed to get decent gear 10 ilvls lower than what I had to run a zillion times in order to get (BiS, of course).

Though frankly, I’ve never enjoyed raids. Too much light, noise, dancing around, and almost no opportunity for variation in play from run to run as a DPS — for me. And frankly, the whole thing bores me, so that I usually do well on the first boss, but my the time the second boss encounter rolls around, my eyes are glazing over.

BUT I realize that others mileage may, and does, vary greatly, and I think it’s great that Blizz creates so much content for all the categories sampled in the poll. There’s not just one way to play the game. I particularly like the way neither PvP (which I used to enjoy back in BC and WotLK, but not since) nor dungeon quests are no longer really mandatory for any important leveling activities. The quests are there for the people who want to do them, but can also be ignored. Just hope Blizz, with or without a merger, can still afford to provide fan service for so many different kinds of fans.

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aw… i did’nt get to cast my vote… would’ve gone for that outdoor questing/leveling one… or dungeons or lfr (i like how chaotic it gets!), or bgs. somewhere between those 4.

maybe i’d just have voted ‘other’ for simplicity sake.

I didn’t get to cast my vote for this but Bornakk, I know you’ve had your dealings with the Oceanic Community and it hasn’t always been a pleasant one, for this I’m truly sorry.

I sincerely hope you guys reverse the “Oceanic can’t join in with US” battleground option because it is killing us not getting any games besides battleground weekends.

That being said this is based off of Classic since that’s what I’ve played since it launched and have not played Retail properly for quite a while now.

I enjoy and want:

  1. Classic Era/Classic Fresh
  2. Classic Raiding
  3. Classic PvP (Battlegrounds)

I have zero interest in “Hardcore” nor do I have any interest in Mythic+ from Retail.

I stopped playing WoTLK before Ulduar release and haven’t played much since although Era is pulling me back in.

I’d love to see Classic Fresh, trimming of Era servers (please just consolidate them) and this might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t want character cloning to come back: people who played SoM (and cloned before) have an advantage over people starting over which is why we need Fresh.

If you’re looking at an monetary income point of view then yes clones would be good, I’d probably resurrect a character or two.

Please don’t do another SoM, we don’t need more splitting of the Classic community, we need togetherness.

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I have a great idea, lets put a poll on the forums, a place 95% of the WoW population does not use because the forum questions never recieve the courtesy of a Blizzard response. Further lets poll people on subjects that is not in their prefered content play. Then we have a bunch of useless data, but a pretty graph that shows we really do listen to our community. Honestly, if you are not going to to care and respect players to do the job corretly, then don’t do it at all.

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Please bring back classic era cloning service. Many of us are wanting it back, many of us didn’t get the email that it was going away (if there was one). We came back to play and found our characters to be gone, and moved to a version of the game we don’t want to play…

M+ carries this game.

This poll just shows what forum users run the content since only people who use the forums will goto the forums and vote… notice 11k votes

No way, the forum poll on the forums only polls people on the forums?

Bloody insightful, truly.

Or objectively ruins it… plain as day… but yeah. Carries it.


Sorry, but people don’t like M+++. Those people like epic shinny pixels better then you can get in a raid for the least amount of time and effort. If people really liked running the same content over and over and over again, Blizzard never would of had to produce an expansion, just put new shinnies at then end of the dungeon. M+ is just a big F-you as they laugh and take your money.


Please provide statistic without the sockpuppet votes. Kind of useless otherwise

What is the point of closing the poll? I can’t vote.

1% approval rating on Wrath classic dungeons…gee I wonder why that is lol.

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Raiding is so horrible, glad to see M+ and PvP destroy it in the poll.

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fast q time pvp

Derp mode – fooling around with outdoor content, and Stupid WoW Tricks like timed airborne laps around the Isles.