Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

M+ because I had been wishing for meaningful 5-man content since probably 2005. I love it.

so can we expect to have some developer time used on PvP Balance since is so important for the game? or neeeh it was just for curiosity

I want classic cataclysm, but keep classic wrath to. Do not take classic wrath servers away. I will be super mad.

Finally blizzard know that majority of players dont give a sh** to raids?!

I missed the vote, but outdoor questing/leveling is probably my favorite way to spend free time if I’m gaming, but I always inevitably end up playing M+ because world content just isn’t as repeatable (unless you keep rerolling classes). It’s not that M+ isn’t fun, but at most I have two to three keys in me before feeling absolutely exhausted. (I haven’t played classic “hc”, but probably will later into the season; it sounds really fun.)

edit, just wanted to add a little more context
Content I like playing, ranked high to low: world, raid, m+
Content I do the most: m+, raid, idle in valdrakken😔, world

TOC says…yes or no, maybe lol.

With that coming again soon™…some like toc since its basically back to back boss fights and the only trash is some bugs on the way to the last.

Now the RP bits can slow it down, but…imo run timer for the RP bits has to be less than trash fights per boss of other raids. Retail especially.

And some like the kind of walking simulator with trash that is Ulduar. Or most other raids (retail or classic).

In my experience, trash is rarely a problem regardless of difficulty (lfr through mythic) and mostly serves as a small reprieve between bosses; most raid trash is significantly easier compared to mobs in dungeons (not saying raid trash is easy or a “gimme”, but most pug groups I’ve joined rarely, if ever, have wiped on trash even if a couple people die). What matters a lot more is expectations (both from other players and the raid itself) and skill parity to a slightly lesser extent.

That beings said, I think raid trash should be more fun, like that world boss in Forbidden Reach that yeets you off the platform if you don’t interrupt your orb. Harmless but funny every time.

The more I think about it the more I feel like trash would be a great opportunity to create synthetic “raid/guild moments” (clip it) as long as it wasn’t too heavy handed, something like emergent stories in Civ.

I can’t speak for others but I don’t think I’d be a fan of boss-only raids a la FFXIV; maybe for smaller mid-season raids like Crucible of Storms in BFA but not in general. Also I’m seeing a lot of negative sentiment around raids, but I feel like raids are probably the most “WoW” part of WoW, but the barrier to entry is just insanely high, and it’s more than just getting invited to a group or finding a guild (see expectations and skill parity). IMO world content and raids are the best parts of WoW but unfortunately also a lot less accessible/repeatable than M+, which in some ways feels likes a “worst of both worlds” middle ground. (All this coming from someone whose favorite content probably will never be raids, but it could be a lot higher than it is rn)

Shoot, shame I missed this poll. However my vote is for Classic Era. I loved WC3 and Era is the game that’s closest to the spirit of that game with its systems, characters, and storytelling.

Bliz trolling the forums! :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

We all know Blizz is the biggest forum troll .

Some of these players that think they can troll could take a few lessons from them

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My sentiments exactly!

They didn’t put dragon racing or RP in the poll. But i guess those both count as open world content.

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More people enjoy outdoor world content/leveling that current raiding lulz

They should have posted this from a blue account named Ralph. GD would have melted down.

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when i turn it off. i should not have to pay you for you to tell me how much of the game i can play.

Only 11,572 votes? WOW (no pun intended) that’s SEVERLY less than I’d expect from this game. Maybe all the people that waste butt loads of time with conspiracy over silly things like “is the game dying” or “do you think they have even 1 million subs now”-- MAYBE they have a point.

Besides that – the top four is also much tighter than I’d expect with only 7% from 1st to 4th.

Interesting (to me anyway) that Questing and leveling appears to be a lot more popular than I thought.

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The forums were always a very small fraction of the playerbase. Most players never come here to have seen the poll.


here is my least favorite mode of WoW: chasing rares for fragments. just.not.fun.

Mythic+ means nothing. It contextualizes nothing.

Outdoor questing is my #1. Mostly as my schedule never allowed for me to do dungeons for the most part as I could be called away and that is never fair to the other people.

Things are a bit more stable now but I’ve never had a chance to really learn and the current style of play is not for learners. So I’ve always been content with outdoor and resigned to the fact that there were aspects of the game I won’t be able to do since I’d never have the opportunity to learn them until long after they were relevant.

I am mostly likely wrong, but I feel the questionnaire is going to be skewed because the game has been designed around the raids and dungeons, in some games quite heavily (Legion, for example, where I quit because there was no way to progress in crafting or the storyline).

I feel that a chunk of the player base who felt driven away as I did may not have come back or mostly did not come back.

I think DF has made good headway in that regard but has a long way to go both in addressing the issues that are in DF (bugs, design flaws, horrible UI designed to drive away those with small screens and poor vision) and regaining trust.

There are many bits that are great still and I hope the speedbumps that cropped up lately are a short-term thing.