Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

Would like to bump this to remind the developers that PVP is clearly high favored content and you guys are blowing it with this season so far. MMR deflation is awful, healing is awful, and some classes are doing next seasons damage. You guys have been silent and made no adjustments since the start of the season which is a far cry from the amazing adjustments (pre-retpocalypse) last season. DO SOMETHING!


Alot of stuff got left out …transmoghing pet battles arenas battle grounds…they need to be more specific

Would also have been better if they had asked us to choose our top three.

They do have their own forums HERE and their subscription entitles them access to both Classic and Retail so not sure I’d block their votes. I think what would prevent the multiple voting issue is using a singular BattleNet ID for forums rather than allowing multiple character forum accounts per account.

Maybe they already disallow duplicate voting on the back-end, in which case only those paying multiple subs for multiple accounts would be able vote more than once.

Sadly I didn’t get a vote but The only thing that matters to me is Garrisons. May them relevant again.

Repping Classic Era all the way! Hey Blizzard, Classic Era Phase 7 WHEN?


You are probably well aware of how long I’ve been around these forums. So you might know I can be long winded because Juju.

Anyways, I like to do a lot of different things depending on the expac. Used to be just flying around EVERYWHERE in BC just for no reason. Wandering aimlessly in the skys of Northrend.

But during BC, I remember sitting in towns forever waiting to get a group for a dungeon/heroic. I made a lot of friends and had a lot of fun and learned about raiding. It was fun back then and throughout every expac I’ve done it in. I’ve got lifelong friends because of this silly game.

I also remember when the queue system would prioritize depending on your realm/battle group. I once got randomly queued up with my then bf and one of my oldest friends. It was awesome because I outdpsed then bf (and always made sure I did).

I would like the queue system to go back to that. It would help with a lot of problems. At least I would start recognizing names and maybe making friends (though I think I’ve bumped into some of the forumers in LFR over the years- I got friends here).

I would also honestly like you guy to reconsider Garrisons as not a failed concept, but something to build on. Let us choose where we want them (obviously you would want them in only specific phased settings). But also encourage people to have to leave those Garrisons-- even if they don’t do dungeons or LFR.

Get rid of the parts of the Garrisons people hated. Make each building faction wide (meaning my BE could use Goblin architecture for some reason, but then have a normal BE building on another plot). I could think of a lot of reasons for this.

I wanna make a little city. Oh, also add a garden that acts like something from Panda Lands.

As far a DR goes: I am absolutely in love with it and feel it needs to be able to be applied to my other dragon/wyvern mounts. That beautiful pink dragon doesn’t spin around so it throws me off (but I still love flying on him). I would love to be able to use him with DR.

I also love the flying dailies and would love that concept kept.

But keep things like raids (including both versions (casual LFR. people that take raiding a little seriously), dungeons (both versions of the queued and Looking for Group). Because I might eventually decide to go raid again.

Oh, I also want the Sword to be turned in a Goblin/Gnome combination Mario Cart racetrack/roller coaster.

Ok, I’m done talking now.

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Most of these modes feel 100% abandoned now. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Where is the option for RP?


It is true which is why I fear that they are putting more focus on the classic versions of the game.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

I call baloney on mythic plus winning

I’d say it ranks from most to least:

Classic era SoD/SF — cause it’s new right now
DF raid
DF mythic plus
Classic raid
Classic PvP
DF PvP — it’s this bad
Other being RP probably
Forum participation — we are the 0.99%

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

iirc when this poll was first put up PVP was 1st place until reddit brigaded it to push M+ up to the top.

I think if raiding was more improved it’d be #1 again. It’s the big show, like Christmas. Dungeons that are non-M+ would be great too.

I figured there had to be a concerted effort by a select group to put mythic plus at the top. I bet most people just do quests/leveling and related non endgame dungeons. Non max level PvP etc.

Honestly, that’s where I enjoy and see most people doing things. In the leveling phase in both retail/classic

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

i couldn’t tell you, but i certainly don’t, i’ve spent the majority of the last 3 expansions sitting in town just queueing for PVP.

I love pvp not very good at but I really enjoy it, hoping the pvp community gets some love and they work on M+ and raiding a bit more.

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I love PvP, just not end game PvP.

The leveling in BGs is the most fun I’ve ever had and feels like a win even when you lose because you gain honor and levels.

The Alliance Horde unbalance end game PvP makes me want to stay away. They could give me all the “your faction needs more support” bonuses all day…I’d rather have a comp stomp or a Panda farm BG

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


That’s how I roll on all classes when X.0 drops.
Most fun times in WoW by far.

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I’m certain blizzard already has this data anyway.

This was most likely an integrity test.

“The thing/person I like didn’t win, I call shenanigans on the voting!”

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