Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

Actually I am a woman. Happy to know you are into her, now go tell her! Make her day :slight_smile:
(its the little things that mean the most)

Me myself’ its the raiders that are toxic. They cried about having to do Torghast/quest for mats or the open world quest farming for the Shadowback lego BFA. Anything other then raid log is too much. Then there is the over the top crying about something a casual might get that doesn’t affect them.


When my friends are around, I enjoy everything they are interested in doing. But while playing alone, I prefer to quest and level up alts, enjoying the possible random encounters I might have with another player.

Yet that is how most people posting have interpreted the poll. If you don’t realize that you haven’t been paying attention. In that way you have also failed.

I enjoy the open world and quests, but you no longer know how to do it properly.

You now rush through the zone and as soon as there is a new zone the old is forgotten forever. There are 0 reasons to go back to old content. Which is nonsense to me.

Classic was good because it was all about the world and the journey, now it’s all about hitting max level as soon as possible and stand in the current hub for hours queuing for instanced content.

Find ways to connect the world, the entire world, and make world wide events with rewards that are relevant for everyone so everyone can participate. Please.


I don’t really care how GD interprets the poll. It only matters how Blizz interprets it.

Raiding, M+ and playing and gold making.

No option for them poor RP players I see. Those guys make up their own content.

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Torghast with the reworks I’ve been suggesting would be better than all of the stuff you put in the poll. And it’d 100% get more player engagement.

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The poll is a joke. Blizz isn’t going to interpret it at all. They already have real numbers of what and how many players do each of the options in the poll. They have much more information than they could get from the poll.

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This is a real poll. That’s not up for question. The accuracy and credibility is.

Not assuming.

Oh so you can give attitude but when it’s given back that’s not okay? Good grief, do you even remember what you wrote to me?

Those numbers, like the poll only go so far. They could use them to build out assumptions like if someone runs eight 20s a week and they’re all SMBG or CoS they could probably conclude that player doesn’t find M+ to be their favorite thing.

That said, it doesn’t paint the full picture, just like the poll doesn’t.

I do find joy that M+ is first though.

The polls don’t really indicate much, since anyone with an agenda can cast a vote per character.

I personally voted for raiding, but don’t care enough to make a difference in its standing. If I felt my preferred way of playing was highly competitive and perceived as a red headed stepchild though… (like PvP or Classic)… I might be encouraged to spend the 15-20 minutes voting for it 60 times.

Classic era beating dragon flight lololol

They can remove duplicates based on bnet ID too on the backend. So regardless of what we put here and display here they’ll get the data they’re after.

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Some real unhinged people out in full force… I understand not liking M+, PvP or Classic, but the people arguing with others about what they personally prefer is pretty toxic. If Blizzard wanted to do an actual scientific poll for product development purposes they would have done a fully randomized 5% population sample size, not let the participants engage with each other, had more clear and equal choices and forced the random participants to provide single answers. This was purely for fun and player engagement. Stay classy, WoW community :+1:


Doing the retail raid on normal and heroic is the most fun I have in the game by far.

I would also like to see torghast make a return in some form, I had a lot of fun with that.

All the classics are split up. pls addup all the classic stuff

Multiple votes from me:
Classic Era - the one I chose because it encompasses alll Cassic Era activity.
Outdoor questing / levelíng.
Other: Classic IronMan - which is not the same as Hardcore,

I picked other because my favorite is “Normal Raiding” and transmog hunting in old content.

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Add rdf and i will change my vote.

This idea could be used to “fix” the paid boost debate. I have no problem buying a boosted character. But if there were a bonus attached to leveling from 1-80, like 1% dodge for tanking ir 1% increase to hit, i would definitely level from level 1 instead of purchasing a boost.

Unless of course they offered paid prestige levels also on the cash shop. Haha.