Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

I put “other” for those but yeah I agree

Other - Leveling via PvP in X.0 patches of a new expansion.
After that, anything I can solo and random dungeons (mythic 0 should be in the finder)/ LFR.

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ragggggghhhhhhhhhh nobody is allowed to like things i dislike!!! my opinions are objectively correct!!!

Splitting classic era and classic raiding is kinda dumb, they are one in the same. You’re making people choose one to pick by only giving 1 selection. Splitting the voting %'s

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so, retail PVP was the second most voted, right?

are you going to stop making fun of those who play pvp now, or are you going to wait for the game to drop even more players?


Big Red Truck Blizzard- Players have changed and the game needs to change as well.

Lets hope blizzard has seen the truck fix what’s been broken for so long.

They 100% should have separated retail and the classic stuff.

This way both would get a real view of what players enjoy in both flavors.

Could you elaborate?

Would love to see a Vanilla through TBC SoM, but any fresh classic era will do.


Because it promotes degenerate behavior (GO GO GO GO!!! AAAAA!) across all game modes.

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Its because they are doing more alt voting than the rest of us.

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For years its was raid or die. Still to this day they balance around raiding. STOP spending so much time money and resources on content so few do or want. Spend more on PvP M+ and casual content.(not just running for rare to rare)

Just a start


Roleplaying could be improved with game support and rewards. Nope, I am not asking for raidgear for roleplaying, I am asking for rewards good for roleplaying. Something putting your character in RP mode (today done with mods), and this would open up RP related quests with RP related rewards, probably mostly transmogs. In RP mode npc’s would actually care about what and who you are. A paladin wouldn’t even be offered to do evil quests unless the purpose is to corrupt the paladin that then receives a debuff that must be removed by doing a redemption quest. Leving RP mode would remove the debuff but it would return when in RP mode again.



would really love to see new classic era servers released with an option or another server for those that want to do “hardcore” as well. there is a lot of interest in a fresh classic era realm wether it is “hardcore” or not.

The best time I have leveling is… expeditions. I dunno why but I always seem to have fun doing that content. I dunno maybe I’m a oddity.


Then this poll is a scam if it includes them.

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Please bring back classic era cloning service. Take my money!

Add new BG’s not 1 a few more. Add blacklist. Delete Azerite BG is crap. Arena is fine wouldnt touch it. But BG need a serious amount of attention. 16% DF PvP and raiding is 9%. New raid every patch but no new BG. Super out of touch blizz. And you know what PvP would have more participation if you actually poored resources into PvP.

More like it has a weekly lockout and people have to live vicariously though youtube videos because of it. When you have to spend 99% of your time not doing the boss and get zero out of reclears, there is no longer any natural player learning progression. LFR and normal go nowhere, and some of us want to experiment and play in PUGs, not drag guilds into a gogogo esports fest which blizzard is dying on that hill for.

I play savage pandaemonium raids in ffxiv, but I couldn’t bring myself to do vault of incarnates once. It’s just not worth it or meaningful in WoW. In WoW I stopped caring about ilvl, they legitimately ruined caring about gearing for me. If this game was an actual honest grind I’d care, but it’s not. It’s freemium mobile game design where you play around the weekly reward chores.

Then you have professions that were ruined by being meaningful choice’d, alongside exploiters and botters ensuring it’s worthless on top if you try.

At this point if I’m doing WoW content it’s legacy xpacs. It’s not worth engaging with DF, when I could be farming a parallel set of cosmetics and mounts from older xpacs, but without nearly as much hassle and at my own pace.