Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

Its not related to the OP but can Community Managers or the person who analyze this data able to identify if the Vote counts are made by many alts of one account or even if its one person with multiple account?

I’m sure it wont matter but I’m just wondering.

NOTE: Did a quick check on my Alts and I could still Vote on the same account with my Alts.
So now I wonder if it counts as an individual vote or the Forums actually in the background identifies per accounts?

PvP Needs more game modes or some sort of inovation. Arena’s are great wouldnt touch it. But BG really need some love if you had better game modes with nice map layout I promise you the participation will skyrocket. The BG with orbs and the one with azerite are super bad to imo. Oh and add blacklist. No reason why you took it away. Ty for the poll.

I voted for open world/leveling, but wish I could vote for pvp as well. I generally enjoy those activities the most.

It’s no surprise to see mythic plus as the most popular. The most interesting is how unpopular Dragonflight raiding and WoTLK dungeons are, comparative to other activities. I wonder how Blizzard will use this data going forward once the poll closes.


I agree with you there specially open world big PvP fights or the large battle grounds where its all about team organization and a bit of random luck to win.

However I chose I voted for open world/leveling as my vote because I thought it might include the War Mode too and the personal RPG I play with my Friends. Thats basically why I play MMO, for the story, adventure, RPG and exploration, its also mainly why I drop my sub when we waiting for patches.
Once I’m done with a zone, bloodstones farm and story my friends and I, always take a break and move to the next other MMO’s that has content out, until next patch, specially with the datamined info about Evokers 3rd spec… we always looking when it will drop! :star_struck:


Can we PLEASE get dungeon finder in wrath? Please. The game doesn’t need to be this painful.


Ah yes, a poll that lets you vote multiple times and let’s you change your vote after seeing the results is absolute proof on what is popular.



Mythic +, not for me but I get why others enjoy it

DF pvp, I’d have chosen this if it said retail PvP. I don’t really like DF pvp because it’s still burst meta

Classic hc, it’s something to do while nothing else is really going on

Questing, ? Who likes to quest? It’s just a means to an end

Classic raiding, it was filled with entitled brats who want to steal all the good loot and give it to friends or officers of guilds. Loved the chill groups, but as it progressed it got more and more tiresome with more and more requirements like add-ons that only make players worse at the game.

Classic era, vanilla yes. Tbc and wotlk no

DF raiding, I’ve yet to even touch a DF dungeon or raid and I love that I can just skip them to go straight into pvp.

Classic pvp, it was fun. Very rock paper scissors like, but that’s what blizzard does best. There’s small tricks you can do that equal the playing field like warrior vs frost mage. Warrior can grenade while rooted for an interior during a half DR or lower and win. But faps and other things like it made it too cheesy especially with the BG tournament. Should have restricted to how rated BGs/arenas are in retail. Should have had a skirmish option at least for vanilla.

Other, chosen because DF pvp didn’t exactly sit right with me.

Wotlk classic dungeons, just another means to an end.

I’m still wanting classic+… Not vanilla+, but a version where 60 remains the cap, and things get fixed or changed for the betterment of enjoyment. Such as making ret paladins more viable, putting in unutilized stats for gear like unarmed skill+ and such. More gear option for meme specs, like MP5 for ele sham/Boomie. More options for playstyles, such as spell power rogue with poisons, or finally giving paladins duel wielding. We don’t need to go through all of vanilla-wotlk again. We can start out with the cata raids for instance that are scaled to about or slightly harder then naxx. I do not think making older raids entirely obsolete is a good idea and would love to have different raids give different gear for different playstyles. Maybe twilight raid drops better optimized gear for awkward slots, much like how ruby sanctum is used in wotlk. There’s lots of other ideas I’ve given for this and wish blizz would take any of them.

Or of course my new idea, monetized flex private servers. As in you can pay for a realm and you be the GM of it. It doesn’t need to be a full game realm. It can be different sizes, like maybe a plot of land for in game housing, or a guild hall, maybe someone does pay for a full realm and customizes everything like turtle wow. Then blizzard can take ideas from these servers and possibly implement them into the real game if they’re good enough. I just feel like blizzard has lost what made it so famous. Which is a highly dedicated fan base wanting to create things much like custom games on WC3, or even Fortnite with their custom game category.

Allow people to copy classic toons to classic+. Classic+ should not be a chore. It should be an easy jump into game where you can theory craft to your heart’s content. Off season? Alright dudes let’s hop into x server and have some fun, kind of game. So rather then getting stronger with every patch and feeling like you need to catch up, it’s just a “oh cool, I can mess around with the new playstyles if I do this new raid, but I don’t feel underpowered because I put it down for a month and a patch came out while I was gone.”

Also please just add an anti cheat, or people to watch the servers. This botting, hacking, and pure gold accumulation has gotten way too out of control and it’ll just happen again if fresh servers are made. It’s just a new opportunity for gold sellers to make more money.

1- World pvp
2- Raid
3- Mythic dungeons
4- outdoor events
this expansion makes me occupied to do stuff other than the things i really must do :stuck_out_tongue:

They already have stats on who does what in the game itself. What they don’t have is information on how representative this forum is in relation. I suspect this forum is very unrepresentative.

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Mythic+ is the easiest choice, so much variety and easy to put together a group. Suitable for all experience/skill levels.

Thought I would check as I never got a definitive answer on the matter, but this poll is whack.

You can swap to multiple characters and vote. This is an absurd poll Blizz. How are we to know whether if a certain category was brigaded or if this poll is actually worthwhile information?

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Outdoor activities describes 95% of what i do and doesn’t really require max level depending on the zone either

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Classic HC brings out much more emphasis on the journey, rather then the destination.

Every new toon you make leads to wildly different experiences depending on both class and loot drops which varies the gameplay enough to have tons of replayability.

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DF raiding would probably be higher on the list if it wasn’t locked at 20 players. If only there was a way to do the same difficult and rewarding raiding content but with less people…hm.

10 and 20 should be implemented. Surely it would be easier to tune than 10v25 was.

Even if M+ rewards were capped to heroic raid ilvl’s, it would still be much more popular than raiding. A lot of players can’t or don’t want to dedicate 3 nights a week to scheduled raids. It doesn’t really have anything to do with the difficulty levels. There are mythics raid bosses that are easier to kill than some high key M+ bosses.

Why is this a single choice? I enjoy a few of the choices…

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Outdoor questing or leveling (or really any non-group content) here.

I very much enjoy the feel of every class as I am questing with them, reading every quest text to see all the little nuggets of info and lore often only found in them. For me I rarely enjoy group content, and the only times I do are when doing it with guild or friends, pugging more often then not being a very unpleasant experience that I will stay away from. Add to that for me a timer is not a fun mechanic in any way, affixes and higher difficulty is fine, but for me that makes it unenjoyable.

I have one of every class on both factions, and have enjoyed playing them all, though with the exception of BFA that went back to having it, have been very sad about the homogenized quest experience post Warlords where you experience everything the same regardless of faction.

One can still have unique factionional quest experience while having factions in truce or friendly, and I truly hope more of that can be brought in.

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Idk that’s what we have and that’s the result. Everything else we’ve had is speculation and witch hunts.

It’s not perfect, but it’s the closest thing we’ve had from blizzard itself. Quite frankly it fits my needs to push for justifying actually not terrible long term rewards for M+. So I’m using it.

Maybe go take a walk, everyone with 3 brain cells knows it’s flawed. Does pointing it out for the 2737592737th time in the thread make you feel warm and fuzzy or something?

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Interesting. I thought for sure the gap from mythic to outdoor/leveling content would be much greater. When I wrote this the gap was only 8%.

And it was higher (only 1% though to be fair) than classic raiding.

Honestly suprised how high up Classic hardcore is on the list, will we get an official hardcore server in the future?