Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

100% Classic Era

You missed two very important options without which your game (and profits) would be much, much lower in the off-season:

  • Roleplaying
    “But that’s something players do, we don’t have anything to do with that”. Wrong! The devs create the sandbox, the tools, they place helpful things (the elixir to allow cross-faction speech though really we shouldn’t have to be shelling out hundreds of gold a day for this ability) and impediments (your story-telling, retcons, etc have left much to be desired, it’s no secret you’ve upset us a great deal with this, there’s also the lack of player housing, restrictions on transmogs by armor type that prevent many players from having a variety of ways of expressing their character’s identity, etc)

  • Casual play-style
    Casuals are a broad category of people including roleplayers and those who don’t roleplay. I’ve covered RP. So instead I’ll say casuals don’t push high mythic+ keys (non-guild low player # skilled PVE). They aren’t part of a raid guild and don’t push mythic/heroic raid clears (high # of players skilled PVE group content). Many don’t get even normal mode clears of content all the way through the same patch or even expansion it comes out. They don’t get gladiator (PVP), aren’t top rated in RBGs, arena, etc. They instead do a variety of content, from hunting achievements, pet battles, farming transmogs in old raids and dungeons, farming old mounts, pets, recipes. In current content the most they do is LFR, they enjoy doing open world content, events, world bosses, world quests that reward upgrades. But to say they like or the game for them is outdoor questing and leveling is deceptive because most casuals don’t particularly appreciate questing for questing’s sake. They enjoy the lower stress/commitment upgrade path potential of it for gear versus running mythics. Now in the past some devs have actively spat on this group, including saying simply “get good”. But they are the core of an MMORPG. MMORPGs like WoW should be more than just grinding out raids, there should be options and those who don’t engage with the dev’s precious favored child (raids, mythics) should be acknowledged too, but we’re below even the red-headed step-child of PVP on the totem pole, the servant girl who shovels coal into the furnace, lives out of sight in the basement and is only occasionally remembered. We don’t like pointless slow grinds so don’t say the stuff you put in to slow down content completion for the top 5% to keep them subbed is stuff just for us because it isn’t.

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“Don’t hesitate to tell us why in a post below.”
I should have been able to do that in the wrath thread… which I can’t because it’s locked, linking me to come here. That said, I think I would have liked to see a poll with RDF. Cataclysm could be another thing to poll. This poll seems to be for all versions of the game with seemingly random options. I don’t know what purpose it is supposed to serve.

Wrath Classic dungeons would be better if there was an actual dungeon finder. Can’t tell you how much fun I had back in the day just queing for dungeons and having them pop up.

“I return! A second chance to carve your skull!”

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Casual solo became my end game now. I can commit 30mins to an hr nowadays and play the game as an RPG. Family first :heart:

In College, which was Vanilla/BC, i could easily do 80hrs a week hardcore play. But times have changed and game is harder now. For me at least, eyes getting worse and slow reaction times.

Havent played Classic nor any desire to. Love retail and you guys are doing great for us Hardcore Raid Vets that retired and turned Casual from long ago :clap:

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Classic era is the best. Classic + needs to happen. Finish zones that were never finished plz.

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Where is the story and cutscenes option? What about Dragon riding! What about protecting and saving dragons?

Well, it’s that, but it’s mostly because it’s far easier than raiding and rewards better gear for less effort. It even gives you mythic raid ilvl gear for failing to time a key!

If M+ rewards were reduced and brought in line with difficulty and stopped awarding inflated ilvl gear for failing to time keys it wouldn’t be anywhere near as popular.

If Blizzard implemented a new game mode: “click your mailbox and collect mythic raid gear” it’d be the most popular game mode in history.

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Lets face it wows story has to been a story you would WANT to RP to in quite some time

Yep . I said it. Its no longer RP worthy.

Now SWTOR thats another story :wink:

Everyone can spam with alts, so the alt spam is distributed. Every type of player posts here. If there is a strong differential between play patterns and outspoken opinion, they can account for it. They can see the differential between play patterns among average concurrent users and the votes here. Just because you are getting a limited scope picture of the result doesn’t mean they are. You get to know the distribution of preference among externally engaged users. They get to see that plus the statistics they see internally. You didn’t pay any attention in your statistics class, if you could even identify what one was about.

LOL @ 1% like wrath classic dungeons. RDF now.

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I selected other because I really enjoyed the RDF system in wow for doing dungeons, especially while lvling.

I do not enjoy using LFG system for less of a social experience than I’ve ever had with RDF.


Season of Mastery !!!

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War Mode is always fun, and having the option to opt in and out of it is good. I’m glad the air drops are back because those are always fun to chase after and fight for. Knocking people off of their drakes with mine is also very enjoyable. My only gripe is that the Qalashi Wing Shredder doesn’t seem to work as well as the net gun did.

Outside of that, DF WPvP is great in my book.

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Im a loser. I said Classic PvP. I fail. At least 4% of you agreed with me though.

My one and only choice, almost about to say DF PvP or M+ but didnt.

WoTLK dungeons original WoTLK were my fav. In Classic Wrath next to no one does them so I don’t do them because I cant do them.

Classic PvP to include Vanilla up to WoTLK. DF PvP not even half as fun as Legion PvP or some of BFA PvP was.

Ready for SOM 2. WBU?

Pvp is my go-to pasttime.

However, I rolled on an rp server because rp is legit the only part of wow that you cant beat.
Also its such a rich and diverse subculture that ive caught myself rabbit-hole’ing different MRPs for actually hours.

ill always remember wow for its glorious story culture and graveyard stomping when im old.

Hopefully its still around when im in a retirement home.

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For sure i’m not so arrogant as to think that it couldn’t be real.

I just have a hard time believing it’s people’s favorite

It still wouldn’t be useful. What if someone likes 3 parts of the game almost equally? The poll doesn’t show that. It makes it appear as if they only like one part of the game.

Ty for providing proof M+ is the majority.

This is a great time to talk about how M+ needs seasonal rewards brought in line with pvp. It clearly deserves it as the most favorited game mode.

Tier recolors. Dragon riding skin. Illusion. Etc all of it. Let’s make it happen.