Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

These are not gamemodes. Wtf is this horrible disgusting poll? Gamemodes need to be put into this dying game.
All the poll says is:
Do you like our raiding?
Do you like our battleground/arena?
Do you like outside stuff?

Those are this games three game modes.



This game should have HUGE new game modes and they dont. Such a joke

Played WoW on/off since 2005. I paid my sub for 2 solid years but never subbed regularly since Wrath (except during MoP, which had awesome PvP).

WoD was the death nail for my love of WoW - never could find my love for the game in nearly all the expacs, as much as I tried.

Then, HC resurrected my love for WoW. I bought a 6 months sub for it. Why?
It just feels like playing WoW in 2005 again.

Why does it feel like 2005?
It doesn’t have a widely accepted gold-buying culture of cheaters with their pay-to-win GDKPs and their scourge of Bots - i.e., today’s Classic WoW.

A note on the importance of Solo Self Found in HC mode

Official HC servers need to preserve Solo Self Found and never allow trading.

Trading will incentivize people to trade/buy gold and buy enchants, bags, and bis leveling gear.

This will divide the HC community since people who do Solo Self Found will be under-geared, under-enchanted, under-everything…compared the players who buy and trade. Boosting will become a thing in HC - which make me want to puke saying that - because that’s what WoW Classic has become to me - a pay-to-win game for cheaters.

Trading defeats the entire purpose of HC for me - which is to live in the world on a level playing field with others and forge my way out of my own effort to 60. That is what HC is to me.

If people want to trade, there’s 3 other modes they can trade in: Retail, Wrath and Era. Keep it OUT of my HC.

For me, trading will inevitably kill HC by bringing gold trading (and buying and bots and GDKPs) - just as it killed Classic TBC and Wrath (and now Era) for me. The bots are even back in Era.

In short, HC preserves my love of WoW and continues my sub to your company. If you want another 6 month sub, do not allow trading and preserve HC the way it is.

WillE summed this all up here. If new Blizz HC servers are not Solo Self Found, then
Trading will create all the problems we have which all the current HC rules eliminate:

  • character boosting services
  • enchanting and professions
  • RMT through progression (pay-to-win)
  • sending gold to new/other characters

Willing to sit in a city and spam trade chat endlessly unless and until you put together a group? Does that resemble how you “talk with other people” in retail or in real life? I’m just trying to imagine what the real life equivalent of trying to convince random strangers to fly halfway around the world to do half an hour of entertainment might be.

Actually, in classic the standard method of putting together a group is to whisper random strangers you don’t know around the world to try to convince them to join a group to benefit you. I experienced that back in classic a lot, and now all my characters who could theoretically heal or tank are getting bombarded with those requests. In real life that would be more like harassment.

I think it is one part informational for them one part informational for us. They want us to see why M+ is so supported. They may want classic players to see why the no RDF wasn’t the best idea. They are also just taking a general pulse on the feelings of the engaged fanbase. Yes a forum poll can be skewed toward the most engaged players, but they’re also probably the core of people who are most sensitive to adjustments. Someone who never reads here is probably less likely to overthink changes. These are the opinions they primarily need to manage.

I doubt it. They want justification to increase resources spent on mythic+ and decrease to ones they wish didn’t exist.

Especially with the “classic vs RDF”, people who actually are playing are saying that it’s now impossible to put together a dungeon group and so nobody does those dungeons anymore, exactly what was predicted when they announced they weren’t going to implement it.

They have complete control over the results. The “poll” numbers will show whatever they want to justify their development decisions. Internet polls are anything but reliable. Excuse me while I go vote on 180 characters.


Classic hardcore made me fall in love with wow again, just like what classic did when it initially released.

I’m not the target audience for retail anymore, and that’s fine.

I’m pretty happy with classic era and I hope you guys consider classic+ after WOTLK.

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I don’t think it can be modified like that in a serious way. For everyone that votes all their chars for one thing, there’s going to be a relatively similar amount of people who vote all their chars for another thing. At the scale of thousands of votes, it’s going to shake out somewhere ballpark accurate for the audience they are polling. They polled the most engaged fans on the things that they are planning to work on. They picked these options because those are the options they have to work with. A guy above is ranting about how it’s a crappy poll because there’s no vote for battle royale option. Maybe because that’s not on the schedule any time soon? They have to work within some kind of limitations, they’re not an omniscient cosmic entity. It’s a group of wage workers doing their best with corporate directives.

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Holiday events, collecting pets, mounts & mogs. Running old content<3
That’s what I enjoy most.
:rainbow: :sunflower: :hatching_chick:

[Hides pvp cat]

Stop looking at my pvp mount >: (
I only got it bc it’s a cheetah, my fave kitty. :cat2:

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The PVP in this game is so much fun, I’d love to see what it could be if Blizzard put even more focus on it.


Players are like electricity, they will follow the path of least resistance. These results represent that pretty well.


Down with raiding. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I do not like 20m Mythic raiding and I never have. I don’t think very many people really do like it but it’s been something that’s been here for a long time and has these staunch supporters both on the development team and certain streamers.

I enjoy m+ by the far the most in the game. I’d probably get into raiding more if it was 10m. Or I’d be fine with not being forced to raid for the best trinkets or whatever in the game as is often the case.

In my opinion though, raiding needs some sort of an overhaul. It’s stale.

Also I really enjoyed doing some rbgs and arena in the first part of Shadowlands. However, anything that made Holy Priest fun in those activities has been nerfed to uselessness or removed from the game. Also not a fan of how crap holy priest is in m+ either.

Oh ya and one more thing to add. Pretty out of touch of you guys to nerf healers just because your raid tuning was off when no one even cares about the raid anyway.


My “other” for what is worth…

I feel like there use to be a community of folks who loved running random dungeons.

No community gate keeping, just log on and spam runs.

M+ kind of killed that, which is fine, and I guess most of us who did it end up level locking and running Chromie. The insane ilvl gap makes what’s left a complete joke.

And I know this isn’t a core feature, or intended gameplay, but it was fun for those of us who had less time to commit to endgame grind and less interest in “elite” thinking gating our access to runs.

killing twinking dwindled us down even more, locking level locked out of BGs kind of blows because level syncing is the same thing.

My point is the game doesn’t have this kind of “quick access” “I had a bad day I’m gunna just jump in and spam some kills” feel like it did.

I miss how the game let us play in that space without stomping it out. It’s where I found my home in WoW and I miss it.

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Classic era because it was gritty and hard (not mechanically)

It made me the story not some force fed narrative.

The world was alive, because of no sharding.

You worked for every inch you got

It was unapologetically imbalanced.

We excepted the imbalances for what they were, strengths in one area and detriments in others.

It wasn’t woke.

Community that cares.

It’s not Zerg like retails arcade game style where you have 70 apm.

There wasn’t 1000 mounts that made the game looks like an actual zoo.

Way more than this, but this is just the few that popped in my head first.


i agree with you. i’m puzzled at all the posts from people who seem to think that if their preferred content doesn’t “win” the poll, blizzard is going to stop developing it forever.


Did they? There’s a lot of players who are actually engaged playing the game and never visit here.

At the least the survey would have needed to be on the launcher or in game with only one vote per bnet accepted if they actually wanted useful information besides “what content do the GD regulars want it to look like people prefer?”


The funny thing is, if soloing was a slightly viable (but not quite as much as high end mythics) method of gearing, people arguing “then I wouldn’t do mythics anymore” or slightly similar “no one would do mythics anymore with me”

means they don’t actually LIKE mythics (or dont like whoever is doing mythics, so dont want to do mythics with the people they dont like), and only care about the gear (or want mythics to be an optional part of the game where they can choose who to groupp with), so actually the game would become better for most everyone…except the people who are toxic and force people to group with them who otherwise in real life or online want nothing to do with the person they are forced to interact with.

Thats the funny thing of forced grouping people. They are so toxic and easy to hate, that the only way they can get people to group with them is forcing people to group with them…but mostly MMOs die alongside their lonely existence

Personally I group with my guild and its a lot of fun, not all the time, a lot of the time I do my own thing too. but I never do anything that I feel forced to do, unless its fun or I like the people involved.

The fact mythic + is top of the list is nauseating.

Stop shoving diablo garbabge in my mmo.


GD regulars are a proper sampling of the community even if that is not convenient for you to believe. The math at this scale works just fine. If someone plays but does not engage with the external community, they are voting abstain, and that’s fine. You just want to see red, go see red, it means nothing and helps no one.

Almost went with other, then picked leveling because I do roll alts every time I get discouraged. Just because I do a few LFRs doesn’t mean I should pick “raiding” imo.

Shocks me that hardcore classic is such a thing. I’d rather walk barefoot through broken glass than do that.

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