Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

Brawler’s Guild.

Please bring back Brawler’s Guild.


The only correct answers are exploration of new areas and hunting down the collectibles. Partial credit awarded for becoming the next big Auction House Flipper gazillionaire.

As a former Scenaturdist, I also remember when Scenarios were a thing.

This is why M+ continues to be the most popular end game activity. No need to schedule groups like a part time job. You just jump into keys when you want to and progress at your own pace.


Also because people who enjoyed other modes of playing quit after it was clear in BFA who development was targeting. It’s kind of confirmation bias at this point.


Hold up, you can take your vote back? Thats insane! Great way to skew the entire purpose of the poll. We all know darn well the M+ players are gonna skew the heck outta it.

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People upset that PvP is as high as it is are the same people who go on about how nobody cares about it, while also espouting how much people don’t care about faction conflict and it sucks and yadda yadda.

People like logging in and just killing the other guy.
It’s that simple.
It’s Warcraft.

Same thing with M+.
I can get into a key run any time of the day, get people for it for any time of the day, and have no issues running it at a mid to high level. Raids? Need 20 people for hard mode. Of course it’s not as popular as the 5 man content?


I want to thank Blizzard for this poll. It’s interesting to see what players’ favorite content is in the game. I voted for M+ but I am happy to see DF PvP thrive as well as the good amount of interest in Hardcore Classic. I would like to see a similar poll on the Battle Net Launcher so we could get even more respondents as well as an option for collectors and RPers. This is great stuff though. Thank you. I think a lot of players think the way they personally play is the majority but in reality, we are in our own bubbles disconnected by the sheer amount of different activities that are available in the game.

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The GD posters that are all acting surprised are so used to being in their little bubble here where most of their fellow posters just parrot that PvP is completely dead. It’s actually pretty funny. Especially the ones that insist the results must be tampered with or skewed somehow because they are so certain that PvP is dead. Like, have they ever even checked solo shuffle participation last season? And then realized that unrated PvP has even more participation than that? Guess not.


make a poll that you can only vote once per account or it is bunk , can’t put any merit into a poll that people with 50+ characters can pad their favorite mode.


And why would someone even bother to do that ? Its not like anyone will gain something out of this poll LOL

Roleplay is player created content, not content made by the devs. Doesn’t count. Also many would vote for that because ERP exists if it was included.

I’ve always pointed out that arenas themselves were sort of on life support, but it’s because it wasn’t casual friendly. They put in a casual game mode for it, and it exploded in popularity. I personally don’t even like arenas, and struggle with SS because of vision loss, and even I spammed it on and off all season for elite sets.
And it was 500x easier because there’s an actual progression curve in there. 1500 felt like 1500.

Blizzard can see the numbers.
Here’s hoping for more unranked / solo BG stuff going forwards too.

Raiding has been declining for years because a lot of the kids that raided molten core, black temple, and ice crown citadel grew up and can’t schedule 12-15 hours of their evenings for raids anymore. Until blizz makes mythic raiding as puggable as +20 keys it will continue to die.

AOE actually matters, i use my entire toolkit, it can be done with 5 people at any time and its way more fun than raiding as a whole.

Hitting my head against he same boss for weeks isn’t fun, having a set time to log in ever night isn’t fun, raiding is outdated imo.


well dungeons since day 1 of this game have always been the short story and stepping stone to raiding.

right now with m+ you don’t need gear. m+ is a never ending scaling in difficulty until your group hits a wall. and unless the gear is gonna keep dropping with unlimited ilvls the higher you go then what is the point.

m0 is the only place gear should drop from and that should remain the same way it is now. as for m+ each and every class should be equipped with all bis items for their class upon entering a key. and off you go pushing. everyone in this scenario will all be on an equal playing field and then and only then will rankings and timings and all that sort of nonsense matter.

raiding is and always will be the bees knees and the bread and butter of wow. and players that have to run eye bleeding hours of m+ to get gear which in most cases is better than raid gear just to make raid progression smoother, then we have a problem that needs to be addressed.

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I favor open world questing/leveling. I am on a low pop server and have a RL day job so it limits me a lot. There aren’t a lot of guild options for group content and with the small sample, its difficult to work other game facets into my wow time. While I would love to find more options, I have just become kind of alt heavy. I had 22 60s at DF launch.

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So… don’t. You said you know hundreds of players yourself that don’t want to do that. Start a guild and just raid together.

Or just get mad and stop doing something you enjoy altogether because game modes exists that other people prefer to progress in.

So much this because most have more then just one activity they like to do .

but what many players can agree on is that m+ should not be dropping over inflated ilvl gear. if it is a never ending climb to push keys then they should work like diablo challenge modes where players get all bis items upon entering.

that is what makes most sense. you cannot have mythic raid ilvl gear dropping from easy 15’s with low drop rates and not expect wow players to grinding their eyes bloody trying to get it so they can make raiding smoother.

there needs to be a cut off. if you want the best gear you need to raid. if you want to push keys then you should be given full bis sets upon entering so the playing field is even.

i dunno how that is hard to see.