Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

The purpose of these polls is PR.

I have worked in marketing research. The people they ask questions of, the questions they ask, and the conclusions they draw seem to be based on wishful thinking about how these changes will affect the entire playerbase.

They are slow to respond to the need for change when game mechanics or systems fail, often after predictions that they were going to be seriously problematic. There shouldn’t be such failures.

They have said many times that they design the game they want to design without consideration of what players may want. I believe this was true in the past and is still true, except for some new guy whose job function is to point out to them that something is tanking fast and needs to be looked at right away.


pvp is high because we have a lot of active people on the pvp forum and this was purposefully not posted in the pvp section. classes and specs are entirely designed around pve and we get left with the scraps so when we have a time to show out we do

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M plus is not rewarding for the time spent imo. There’s almost no player agency. It’s just a slot machine pull over and over again. And with loot pools so big in some of the dungeons, you may never see the item you want drop for anyone in the group ever, let alone actually also get it yourself. That doesn’t feel good.

PvP maps haven’t been iterated upon or created in years, maybe a decade or more? That’s actually sad. And don’t even start on world pvp. Where is the battle for Nazjatar? How hard is it to put flags down in an open world zone and let us battle for them every couple of hours? It’s not. And world pvp had been massively neglected. A daily world quest? A degenerate sparks quest? Not super fun or engaging. And doesn’t scale well. It’s fun to do things with more people. Let large communities leverage each other. Imo

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PvP. All day. Accessible, challenging and fun. Need more RBG maps though. New arenas are great and all, but what we really need are BG maps. Not a popular opinion, but I LOVE carts and orbs. Different game modes that require different strategies are what make it fun!


I’d love more World content. Like some type of Invasions but with good rewards (fragments?) and happens frequently, that would give an incentive to all players to participate in them. And more world quests too. There’s so much potential in that category but is not exploited enough.

My favorite is Dragonflight as far as what it has to offer, quality, and player base. I voted for classic era because nothing beats the feeling of fresh classic servers.

Yup. Emailing everyone who has had subscription time in the past ~5 years would probably yield more accurate results. Posting this in general is going to result in major bias toward people who are currently subbed this deep into the expansion and are hanging out on the general forums (mostly retail players who enjoy the current game systems).

The format of the poll is also kind of terrible, with Classic Era being its own category, but distinct elements of Classic Era gameplay also being separate categories.

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Open world activities as 70 year old reflexes aren’t compatible with PVP, Mythic or Raiding. Not that I was great at any of those more than a dozen years ago.

I would love to see improving the outdoor/questing experience. Longer quest chains for better rewards. All the BiS should not just come from Mythic+/Raiding.

Bis is never going to really come from world content unless they make it less trivial. They can’t have a soloable quest offering the same goodies as a raid that requires 20 people an hundreds of attempts.

Should make the poll up to 3 options. I would like to choose hardcore classic, classic era and questing/leveling

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All bis do not need to come from just raiding/mythic+. With how areas can have a pool of people, who to say they are not using the same amount of time as those 20. The quest chain can be long and drawn out. It can be done.

I mean we have had many items like the cloak, ring, etc. over the years.

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Definitely Battlegrounds and World PvP. Though the support for World PvP is still lacking in Dragonflight, the communities and guild that I’m a part of try to keep it alive.

Surely I speak for the World PvP community when I say we seriously need more evergreen support for Thematic, Faction-Based World PvP throughout all zones in World of Warcraft, primarily the zones in the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Not only does this feature (if properly supported with systems, activities, scenarios, and rewards/incentives) add substance and possible danger to the War Mode world, but it also immerses players into a World of WARcraft by reigniting faction pride and identity, rather than what we are seeing with more recent features and changes.

There is a team that is devoted to amplifying the voice of the World PvP community that has already caught a glimpse of WoWHead’s and the devs’ attentions with the ideas on the “A Call To Azeroth” website.

As for Battlegrounds, it’d be great to see more Epic and Regular Battlegrounds from the dev team with more rewards and incentives for both rated and unrated content. Maybe Tol Barad is up next for a port to the Epic Battleground playlist! Maybe Strand of the Ancients can be reworked to make a return! And of course, new original ideas are certainly appreciated on this front. All of this plus housing and World Graphical/Asset update plsthx!


How this is usually handled is to hire a company that specializes in doing this kind of research. The client provides them with contact info and the research company calls people randomly (most reliable method) to ask questions. They would find out how many people consider themselves “casual” or “competitors” or “hardcore”, but more importantly how these people play. Ask open-ended questions where people will be prompted to respond in ways that may not even have been considered in making up the questionaire. An MMO requires a massive number of players to pay the bills necessary to keep it online, and laser focusing on a minor demographic means a lot will be left out of consideration.

Heck, they did a survey of people who played cata asking them what they would like to see in cata classic. That sounds like a major vanity project to me, while they decided to ignore casual participation throughout Shadowlands and into Dragonflight and are now surprised many didn’t come back and still have no interest in buying it.

Don’t forget the “We want to try to make covenants work, but just in case they don’t, we’re building in a ‘ripcord’ we can pull to undo it all” lie we got for Shadowlands.

I didn’t vote, because none of the options describes how I play, which is I do something until I’m bored with it and move on to something else.

Now if I wanted to I could probably have voted 200 times on all my alts on my 5 accounts and ones in classic and wrath. And that’s why the “poll” is fake news.

My guild was 5/8m and we don’t require mythic+ at all. So unless you’re in a CE guild (which im sure based on this post you’re not) you shouldn’t worry about it whatsoever.

But I’m sure this is just a troll post, hopefully you can find a guild that is around your liking because there’s MANY, many of them that don’t require m+ like ours

Yes. Honestly, I’d like to see them breath some life back into old zones - I want to fight in Arathi, Ashenvale, Stranglethorn, etc.; in the jungles, on the hill tops, under the mountains, etc. - and WPVP could be the ticket. I get tired of each xpac being fully contained on a new island. I want to feel like Azeroth is a whole world again.

Remember the assaults back in BFA? Why don’t we have something like that, but happening in old zones?


Not really enough choices and id like to choose multiple things.

Either way, I enjoy a fast paced hard hitting style of play. Ret paladin in retail, and warrior in wrath classic.

I like leveling characters with ridiculous enchants and gear not just for the speed of it, its the whole experience of practical super sayian leveling mode is fun.

I wish the development team stopped breaking enchants and gems from previous expansions, TBC leg enchants for classic alts and all leg enchants being broken in retail. Some retail enchants only can be applied to level 10 and no higher some scale, some dont. Its a mess.

Dragon riding is super fun, i wish there was a fleshed out experience. Somehow Toontown had a whole arcade racing system experience and it was fun. Wish there was rankings, weekly leaderboards with cool cosmetics for the dragons…daily competitions, stuff like that.

I really like the bones of the proffesion talent system in retail, however the implementation was just…bad to outright terrible. Lariat was a mistake and funneled everybody and their mothers first sparks of innovation to jewelcrafters who had an edge from previous expansions. People being brigaded and banned for offering free lariats…

Classic dungeons are really fun, as well as naxx when the group has alright tanks. I do full runs often on my main to blast like theres no tommorow.

Ulduar hardmodes when done with a steady group is super fun to blast through hardmodes. Not so much when theres little synergy and little experience on some roles.

I just can’t get into non stop AOE trash pulls.

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All I care about is that you release both a normal fresh classic and a hardcore fresh som simultaneously. No exp buffs, no sped up timelines, better resource nodes, progressive itemization, and remove the restrictions on world buffs and dungeon farming mechanics that make dungeons feel wierd for everyone else who is playing the game normally. Boosting isnt a problem, its your lack of diligence to combat rmt. This applies to gdkp aswell, you guys need to figure out someway to uphold your game rules better.

Also do 1 hardcore pve, 1 normal pvp, 1 normal pve server per region. Turn on layering, and for the pvp servers regulate the character creation population from the very beginning, you dont need to worry about server balance on anything other than pvp servers because it only matters on pvp servers.

these polls? i thought somebody said this was the first of these they’ve seen here. i don’t recall any either, but i could certainly be forgetting!

alternate possibility: the purpose of this poll is to generate discussion. in the discussion forum.

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