Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

Classic CITY PvP. I like taking my dwarf priest into Orgrimmar and seeing if I can defeat any Horde who happened to be flagged for PvP. It’s challenging as you might expect, but so rewarding to pull it off! The terrain of Orgrimmar, especially being on top of that tower next to the flight tower, makes this especially great! It also works because neither side can use flying mounts. For me this is my “end game”; I have little to no interest in PvE raids/dungeons. I do also like the “journey” of playing battlegrounds to obtain Honor Gear so I can make my character stronger for my Orgrimmar invasions!

When Cataclysm came out with the redesigned Orgrimmar, flying mounts, etc., I tried to continue to invade Orgrimmar the same way, but it just wasn’t the same. I tried to see if I could find a way to make it work, but after a long time, I realized I couldn’t. Say I managed to dot a Horde on a flying mount (as most are always on a flying mount all the time); well then they just fly away. The flying mounts and redesigned Orgrimmar terrain just ruined it for me.

My big fear is that someday Blizzard will make Cataclysm Classic and force all the Wrath Classic players to that. Or if they allow Wrath Classic to remain that the Wrath Classic realms might die the same way the Original Classic realms did. I haven’t checked the Original Classic realms in a while; have they rebounded by any chance to where Orgrimmar PvP could work on those?

At any rate, if the day ever comes where PvP in the ORIGINAL city of Orgrimmar (no flying mounts) is not feasible, then that will likely be the end of the $15 “drop of water in a bucket” that I give Blizzard each month. Oh well, I’ll try other activities in life including touching grass.

Their thread got taken down (multiple times), so now they are taking every chance to further their cause - even in fringe cases like this where the poll has literally no impact.

Horrible idea. They already sort of do this with the “community council”, a small subset of players have the “ear” of the devs and make suggestions. What they need to do is what up-and-coming game developers are doing that is leading to successful and fruitful feedback: Actually interact with the community and have a way for the community to make suggestions in a constructive way. Polls are not a reliable source of information - never have been and never will be.

Back when the Developers would interact with the community, this game was much better. I remember Ghostcrawler and other devs were in the forums at least twice a week. After they locked themselves behind an ivory tower (around the time WoD was left for dead) and only interacted with the community via patch notes or the “community council” is when the community started feeling like it was talking to a brick wall.

Anyway - I chose M+ as my favorite (and I assume most others did as well) because it is non-committal. I can hop on for an hour or 2, knock out 2-3 dungeons then go do other things. I cannot sit for extended periods of time, so M+ allows me to play endgame level content without needing to commit to sitting in my chair 40-60 hours a week.

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Sounds like plenty of players who could start forming guilds that only use raid loot/don’t require raiders to run m+. Why get mad and quit when the answer is so simple?

Kind of surprising, but DF PvP currently in second place. Just imagine if equal resources were put into that game-mode…



I was so miffed when they announced RDF wasn’t coming to wrath, I abruptly quit TBC classic and haven’t been back since they made it public. My poor TBC warrior literally stopped dead in his tracks mid quest in nagrand and is still standing there. I was only muddling through TBC to play wrath RDF, so they just like beheaded my entire classic experience in one sentence. I love that it’s the bottom option. I really, really hope Blizzard takes the one clear takeaway from this poll.

I like the PvP in Dragonflight. My favorite spec (MM) is not perfect by any means, but it’s hella fun to play and I can do pvp for hours on end, especially BGs but everything about pvp is fun. It’s fun to duel/gank people in the open world, arenas are not my strong suit but are quite fun to play too.

The only thing is : I wish we had more options like more BGs with different game modes or even more maps with what we have right now like CTF or “conquest”, 1v1 arena solo queue, a moba game mode into the game, guild wars… I could continue for a while but there’s lots of good things that can be done for pvp.


RvR for the existing world content. Each map has a different objective theme.

This poll kinda makes the case for Mythic+ and ranked PVP being their own games, allowing the MMO to actually be an MMO and the competitive game modes/seasonal play to be their own thing.

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Alts and most non “hardcore” players never visit the forums, they treat it as entertainment and not a job they must spend every waking moment on. The only time I ever even visit is when I’m bored at work

TBC content just completely unrepresented in the choices.

No RP, no gold farming, no collection?

Does this vote allow one per account or one per character? >_>;

Eww. Mythic plus stinks

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What an awful poll.

I chose Dragonflight Raiding, but would have selected Mythic+ as well if I could have.

By the way… why can people show/remove their vote?

No reason to throw Dragonflight and Classic together either. They’re different games.

Perhaps you should make a decent poll on the forums (only allow one vote per account, multiple choice enabled).
Send a mail to active accounts in game.
Maybe send B-Net accounts (current and former players) an email.
Or you could just put up another worthless poll like this… which won’t give clarity to anything. If you’re trying to get a good “idea” of how people feel, this isn’t it.

I hate M+. wish it would get removed. so sick of same thing over and over for what?


Surprised with PvP being so high.

Kind of worried that they’re trying to address the imbalance between M+ and raiding by making M+ as bad as raiding.

The problem is it’s much easier to find 4 competent players for 30 minutes than it is to find 24 competent players for 4 hours.

And they seem to be trying address that by making that 30 minutes the most annoying and least enjoyably experience possible.

Also begs the question, why aren’t they making more dungeons? And arenas and BG’s for that matter.

I second this. Ill love some kind of hardcore leveling on retail.

Playing with XP off.

This is what i love to do in classic era and retail.
