Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

Old school, all day AV should have been a choice.


The world itself has always been the main character of the game for me and as a bit of a lone wolf, I love adventuring through it more than any other content style.

I desperately want more world content like player housing (complete with quests, and reputations and all that jazz), hero mode leveling/questing challenges, and some world quests put into old zones (could help with legacy rep farming and would be extra amazing if old reps had a thematically appropriate new reward but mostly I just want stuff to do when I’m passing thru).

Also, for what it’s worth, my second favourite thing to do used to be random battlegrounds but when the loot systems changed they stopped being fun.

I want to save up tokens and buy gear. Shopping is fun! Lootboxes make me sad and mad. For reals. Also, this may just be bad luck on my part, but I doubt it… It seems like the win/loss ratio for alliance and horde has been severely skewed and set. I wonder what sort of creative ideas could address this?

Where’s collecting pointless battle pets?!?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Quests and story/lore

Entitled to your opinion. As am I mine.

Good to see that the playerbase that raids is in 5 place yet blizzard cannot stop themselves of making he game centered around such a small portion of the playerbase.


The fact that the majority is saying m+ is exactly why this game can never be good again.

The most obviously detrimental thing ever implemented is the most popular.


What planet do you live on? Every single thing they ever do is catered to casuals and m+.

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I hecking love PvP


battlegrounds but they dont reward gear as good as mplus or worthwhile in pve content.

dont really like how pvp gear is so low effort to max out and you can’t use pve gear in pvp anymore.

being able to take raid items into battlegrounds used to be fun

the king of the hill mode to get the phoenix pet by collecting the 20 ashes in ungoro was fun since u had to play in warmode to get them at a rate of at least 1 per hour. fun competitive challenge most people won’t even know about but was a lot like oldschool pvp bc u had to run back to your corpse if u got killed.

the pet is w/e but the challenge of getting it was fun

In a poll that the majority of players will never see and which isn’t controlled for alts. None of these numbers are worth anything.

Even better, make it three votes in scaling order with the most enjoyable being the vote set as number 1. Makes the data more granular. I wanted to choose more than one option in this poll but had to choose pvp over levelling because if I only can have one it’s pvp all day. Although I’m hyperaddicted to levelling alts as well

All good regardless. Have fun in Season 2!

/Grayz with the Rogues

Amen I am sick of the game balanced around content so few do. Just look at logs.

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what do you think the intended “use” of this poll was?

why do you think anybody responding cares enough to vote multiple times?

I knew i was gonna get flooded of responses by butthurt raiders, i’m not disapointed.
Yeah, raiding is a dying mode.


I love raiding, but these days it’s hard to find big enough chunks of time to do it.

M+ fits the bill.

Anything Classic ERA (Raiding, World PVP, BGs) all the way. Dragonflight is garbage!!! First thing about Dragonflight, you screwed up the interface and have lost many players do to this garbage.

Honestly I just like hanging out and doing various content with friends.

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Currently love M+ mode. I used to love raiding BC through WoD, but for me it’s been too hard to find a group of 15+ people you jive with, and a lot of guilds are either too casual or too hardcore. It’s great just being able to jump into some dungeons with my real life friends and if we have vacation or something one week we can skip pushing and not feel bad or get kicked from the raid roster.

Edit: If I could pick a second game mode it’s probably “open world” but more specifically I like collecting mounts & transmogs, grinding reps and playing my alts casually. Please make more content like Mage Tower – I’m almost done with all the class transmog sets and really enjoyed it. I also miss brawlers guild. I’m interested in the new 10.1 update because of the potential for more “stuff” to do on alts including pop-up events and gearing them via other means than just dungeon and raid grinding.

Classic leveling with Retail endgame is the best of both worlds imo.