Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

Blizzard should add new and engaging game modes for PvP/PvE such as wars of Guild vs Guild. The same old formula consisting of Raid/Dungeons/Arenas is getting old and boring.

Also very surprising to see Raiding not on top of the players preference, even losing to PVP. Especially considering the huge amount of resources and emphasis dedicated to Raiding by Blizzard.

PvP have always been considered a dead minigame by many and it is still more voted than Raiding. The irony.

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I was surprised by this too. PVP used to be awesome in wow.


Its useless to hate on Retail and their 14 year old target demographic, saturday morning kids show - but the fact is, retail and and classic era are different games. Retail is a LOBBY game with a dead world where you teleport or hurriedly and easily get somewhere with no world interaction… its an action rpg game…
Classic Era has a vibrant WORLD and is an actual MMORPG.
Can we please stop linking the two games?
At this point they shouldn’t even share the same title.


I chose classic pvp because there was no option for just wrath arena. There is a lot of good things about DF arena, but i think the thing that makes not like it as much is all of the self sustain. Non healers just keeping themselves alive forever is zzzzz.

Then again im also bad even after all these years.

I like Big Groups and I cannot lie.

As I grow older and become more boomed out, I feel it necessary to play Classic World of Warcraft. In fact, not only do I appreciate Classic for what it is, I also enjoy Hardcore because it makes me feel very immersed, thus giving me an out of my day to day life. Retail is enjoyable but to the extent that my keystone or arena will end and I’ll be thrust back into my miserable life. I know that if I die in Hardcore, I will be faced with this tragic truth once more. Therefore, Hardcore I am pushed to never die, playing in a seemingly endless adventure, that is only disrupted from 9-5 Monday to Friday. Hardcore is supplemental to my mental health

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You forgot little pets.

Also, as others have pointed out - the wording seems off. And there are far more dungeons in the game other than DF and Wrath.



I don’t remember, can people still cycle thru forum alts to vote multiple times in these polls/vote fraud?

If that’s still the case I would take this “poll” with a grain of salt, could be a few guys with toon-cap/50 alts spamming votes for their favorite selection

But if it’s 1 vote per account then it’s probably fine


how about, instead of a completely useless poll, thats only purpose is to make it so you can pat yourself on the back, you actually start listening to the feedback of the classic community. its actually crazy how hard you ignore your playerbase and do useless things. such as a tabard that quite literally nobody asked for. what a pathetic joke of a job you guys are doing.

Left-out mentality.

Basically they will change it to reflect the popular vote instead of just giving their opinion.

That is why most polls don’t show results until you voted.

Yes they can actually. Which is another reson to make the forums b-net rather then toon baised.

I voted outdoor.

I participate in DF world, dungeon, PVP, and raid. In season 1 I geared druid, monk, priest, and warrior all 4 with 421+ PVP set and 400+ PVE set. I didn’t particularly enjoy a lot of that experience. Most of the outdoor experience was highly positive. A lot of the PVP and PVE instance experience was extremely frustrating.

In PVP, the insane swings in balance and the extreme spike damage made playing healer very frustrating. I really, really loved tank queue solo shuffle from 9.2.7, that was the most fun I ever had in WoW. It made me so hopeful for the future of WoW and it was unceremoniously removed. It was a very strong factor in why I bought DF at all. Still upset about it.

In dungeons, there is way too many interrupts and CCs that have to be done, but 10.0 removed most baseline utility skills, and people didn’t like using them when they were baseline. It creates a horrible division in the community. Very frequently when you politely ask people to please focus on using CCs and kicks, you will get a resounding NO in response. The dungeons are not balanced in line with how DPS enjoy playing. As a primarily tank and healer player, this makes the game an absolute drag.

In raid in 10.0 we got two bosses with very long split phases with Brood and Rasz. We got Kurog who requires intense fast paced and specific tank coordination and repositions. These things have to be done with absolute precision at all difficulties. It is asking so much of the raid community to deal with week in and week out.

The PVE is balanced for a level of player interaction that just makes most people angry and sour and defiant. It all feels intentionally over-complicated to produce the toxicity. It’s not any different in guild or pug. I gave guild raiding a strong go for the first time since 7.2 this expansion, and it felt dramatically worse than pugging. So many people here will go on about how the game is great because their guild works well. I’ve seen dozens of guilds implode this patch and our server didn’t really have the strong base of guilds to deal with that. Very broadly, people are unhappy with the direction of PVE complexity whether the carry service propagandists masquerading as “friends and family” guilds here will admit it or not.

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I like the idea that Blizzard is trying to get a feel for the player base, however the forums are a horrible way to do that. The poll should be in game and limited to 1 vote per battle net. Most wow players never visit these forums and you will get skewed results with hardcore group only players/ alt votes

My answer would ultimately be anything that is queable


Yeah all the mythic+ freaks are here


100% spot on, most know by now its a waist of time to come to the forums. For years they only listen to streamers and personal players that live in the game.


I used to do raiding and dungeons with friends but sadly so many have dropped out. My guild is just me and my alts now. But I really enjoy questing and exploring new areas.


Have to say, I’m surprised that more folks have put Dragonflight PvP above raiding. Did not think that many PvPers were left.

Ah, didn’t realize this. Yeah I could see PvP and Mythic+ Andies logging on 60 characters to stack the deck. Timed runs and literal competition tend to attract people who, y’know, want to win. Hopefully Blizzard can filter that internally if they’re trying to get meaningful numbers.

Mythic+ since my brother and his friends play it. Outaide of the affixes not being fun i think its peak wow content. If the affixes were more fun. I think this would be a huge driving point for the game. I know the afffixes are to make it challenging because of people who do the mdi, but honestly id rather either they get a random rolled debuff and the affixes in the game be fun. Either that or juat have the affixes be less challenging but fun and then have the mdi people do them on +100 keys.

I have a guild but raiding does take time and effort more than whatvibeould gernerally like to but my server also had issues with population for recruiting people to do the content. This would be higher on my list if all servers were allowed to recruit into the same guild. And if some of the friction Points like: run back, CDs, and eating /buffing time.

Additionaly, both of these have a similar issue as well. Addon bloat: details, elvui, dbm, while these are all things ive used since a long time ago and im aware how to make them work and fix them if something breaks i feel that the average person cannot and will not. You havr made strides in the past year to fix most of the ui problems. People will complain about you fixing it, but just make it as good as possible so that the average person does not need to use addons.

Dmg meters (add thrm to the game), dbm (make the abilites more telegraphed or at least make it so that in raid that BRs are always available on normal or lower, elvui (your ui upgrades are al.ost there between click casting and the ui upgrades id say its almost good. Still some heavery tuning to do. My recommendation is to hire these ui addon people and let them work from home and fix your ui within your engine.)

Hope anything in here is useful.

M+ option bruh

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I’ll play any new Classic fresh - changes, no changes, SOM 2, etc., doesn’t matter to me.

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This is just a poll to show how the forum is biased.

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