Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

Part yes. There is a clearly defined win and lose there. Not in rp

Questing and raiding.

Click show vote and change it.

Call me a bias bartholomew… But the result being so high on the p v p aspect is sketchy

Though even if it’s real I wouldn’t believe it.

The PvP Pauls are unhinged enough to do something like that

I mean i’m maybe wrong… But I could see stacking the deck in order to get attention for it in terms of balance

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Add m+ to classic. Games too easy
Add something hard thz

Raiding is behind PvP, M+ and even with outdoor. Hopefully now Blizzard will stop carting to the raiders and start balancing PvP and M+ better

Where is the EU version of this poll? :grin: 10/10 poll

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It’s all personal preference really. You can’t really compare mythic+ to something like classic era. It’s like comparing a D&D campaign to league of legends. They just don’t scratch the same itches.

I liked mythic+ and raiding back when I had more time and motivation to keep up with WoW content pacing, but these days I enjoy classic era more, because its slower pace, chill oldschool RPG vibe and easy yet satisfying longterm progression.

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Classic raiding representing!!! Crazy how people pooed all over Classic, and it still is an extremely popular version of the game.

Classic era leveling personally. I enjoy the adventure.

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implement these kind of polls for future Feedback instead of listening to a handful of people, maybe move this to the battle net launcher, and allow folks to determine the direction of the game.


Classic raiding, I think is a good example of what a reasonable challenge for the average player looks like, where certain fights can be dangerous and challenging while not being overwhelming.

Ulduar while certainly not the only raid with bosses that have challenged players has hard mode bosses like Yogg’saron and Algalon who should’ve remained a template for raiding in the future, it’s alright if a raid has a few easier bosses, not everything has to be a crazy challenge so long as 1-3 bosses inside the raid put up a solid fight.

Overall, the raid developers that made Ulduar did a great job, that of course includes Ion and I wish they had kept the hard mode template around instead of breaking things up into normal, heroic and mythic, which would’ve also helped to combat ilvl bloat.

Overall what I see in classic raiding from vanilla through to wrath is a relatively relaxing experience that has a reasonable challenge where people can come together and have fun without feeling overwhelmed.

This poll is skewed, multiple votes from the same person is bound to screw up the data.

Furthermore a large majority of classic era/classic hardcore and wotlk don’t view blue posts as much as retail players so the ones that are more likely to vote are retailers.

Additionally, I feel like retail has gone off the rails, my personal issue with it is that it has lost it’s rpg elements, this is why classic era /hardcore is the best for immersion and being in an open world, no other game mode compares. Wotlk is nice only for it’s class design, the pvp and raids are old content and although they’re very nice to play ( probably better pvp than DF pvp i’ll say ) but it’s been min/maxed to oblivion and the rigid state of the unchanging nature makes it a closed book.

Overall what I have come to dislike about retail wow is and always has been addon bloat directly resulting in the devs vs addon catch up game , indirectly affecting class design due to it being centered around raids instead of the base game (like classic was) this is partially why most classes feel boring outside of raids, not that i even like doing retail raids at all anymore.

For a game that is made for casuals, the duality of easy to play /hard to master has come back to bite retail in the behind. The floor used to be higher and the ceiling used to be lower but now the gap keeps increasing ( kinda like the economy in a way hah).

Anyway, don’t wanna rant really, i’ve posted these exact things years ago but it’s just noise in this echo chamber.


Such polls is only useful if one person get’s obe vote, and cannot change said vote.

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No options for griefing, ganking, forum trolling and botting. These playstyles clearly have many participants.

If I could’ve voted multiple, I would’ve picked m+ and classic hardcore. Classic hardcore has such a fun and exciting feel to it, and m+ is where I go to be a loot goblin and tank/pump.

why cant they change their vote?

It’s interesting that PVP is 2nd on the list…I thought PVP in wow died years ago.

I am still happy that outdoor/leveling is in third place, that’s not too bad.

Still annoyed that mythic+ is number 1, as people on the forums have been complaining about mythic+ and how it ruined the game for years.

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