Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

There’s def a healthy middle imo.

And there’s a way to do it without stepping on others toes.

It’s really not the time it takes that is a problem for me. My problem is with Chromie time and new players being forced into BFA as an intro. And ilvl scaling. Leveling has felt like crap since they implemented that in Legion.


I wish we could have chosen more than one option, or had it be where we rank all the choices from favorite to least favorite. And “other” should really have let us fill in something.

I enjoy questing and leveling, but I also love all the special events and holidays. Plus I like doing regular dungeons (not Mythic+) and they weren’t even a choice.


Non-instanced PvE. Not questing and levelling specifically, but content where you can see other players in the wild, join them in fighting an elite or just wave hello. And dragonriding makes getting around for gathering and world quests more fun.


love pvp nothing else really as much, we need more class changes for pvp and reworks that take pvp into consideration! :slight_smile:

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Not mid season. Nerf paladins nerf paladins nerf paladins

I liked Torghast and the Warfronts. They just lacked any reason to do them. The content was repetitive but enjoyable for longer than I expected.


pVP Is A MiNi GaMe BtW lul


Torghast is suprisingly fun yknow having to NOT do it for power in current xpac. And them adding cosmetics made is 100% worth doing as well. You can look around and see the amazinf enviroments the team put in for it. No joke go and look around its actually amazing


I wish I could have picked multiple. I do M+, raiding, world content/questing, mog/mount/achievement collecting, and RP. RP isn’t even an option… Hahaha forgotten again.



I selected Other because Pet battling and pet collecting is my favorite part of WoW!


I picked outdoor questing/leveling, mostly because there isn’t a great option for me on there because what I like isn’t in the game. Assuming this isn’t just a placating poll and will actually be used for feedback…

The game lacks casual progression content. If you only do world content you hit a wall where you’re either forced to do M+/Raiding to progress your character or you’re stuck having only 1-2 hours of content a week that might give progression. Of course even doing months of that progression doesn’t even add up to a week or two of M+, making it a waste of time.

Give me something like M+, scaling dungeons without the timer and affixes. Or heck take inspiration from something like Minecraft Vault hunters. Whatever you put in needs to be something you can pick up and put down at any time and doesn’t have toxic mechanics forcing people to min/max/exclude.

M+ at worst can be super toxic and it’s mechanics reinforce that. The timer forces people into min/maxing, which leads to exclusion of certain classes/specs. The same for Affixes, especially the new ones that we told you about over and over in the beta. The timer also impacts those with anxiety and can cause a lot of stress, especially in higher keys where a single mistake can brick a key. There is also the fact that a single person in the group has the power to brick the key if they choose to, making it a waste of everyones time.

Raiding- The backend of this just needs updated to modern expectations. The big issue with raiding is it requires such a big block of scheduled time that a lot of people simply can’t schedule. The other issue is it often requires a guild. LFR is actually a good start here, it just needs expanded. First you increase the difficulties available for queuing: Beginner, normal, heroic, mythic. Then you break the raids down into single boss queues. Finally you add respawn points that make wipe recovery quick and easy. That way people can queue into say a heroic raid boss, do attempts, potentially get a kill, and then leave when they have to do real life stuff. Of course make it so there are restrictions so a brand new max level can’t just queue into mythic. I’d actually raid if I could do this since I don’t have a schedule that allows me to dedicate X hours on Y day every week with a guild.


“OnLy .1% Of plAyERs DO pVp…”


Yeah, I’m a little surprised that there wasn’t an Achievement/collection category.


Mythic + is leading lmao. Sure puts to shame all the forum posters who crap on it constantly.

World PvP.


I am most enjoying Mythic+ right now, I just wish blizzard would show it some more love and give it some nice juicy rewards to work towards, the KSM mount is terrible, it doesn’t even fly so you hardly get to use it, unlike the Gladiator mount and Raid mount. I don’t expect the KSM mount to be as good as the Gladiator mount but there should be a mount that’s on par with the Gladiator mount for Mythic + players to go after. Maybe add a fly mount for achieving 3k? All I know is the Hailstorm Armoredon is a terrible end mount reward for Mythic+. There should also be weapon illusion rewards like PvP and Raiding has. We also need some better ways to gear up alts.

Classic era, dragon flight raiding, m+. In that order

Similar; I checked “other” because I like M+, Raiding, Questing and Collecting mounts/pets/xmogs. Losing any of those aspects would affect my enjoyment of the others.