Poll: Essences on alts

I have yet to take almost any of my alts to H Salt Land or Mechagnomeville. The entry quests are annoying (after the 8th time) and I’m not willing to really spend the time to fully open the zones to get anything.

The only thing I want is the one little pet I’m missing from Mechagnomeville, who continues to elude me.


The only essences that should be account-wide are rep.

Essences earned via m+, pvp and raiding should remain per character.

However, so long as Blizz develops to meet their time played/content accessed metric as a means to measure success, it ain’t gonna change.

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Meh. Don’t care. I’m grinding rep on exactly one character, and slowly moving the rest to 120 so i’ll have a choice next expansion. I’m banking a pile of benthic gear so i can outfit them, but other than that, i dont really care. Id rather rep and transmog hunt in old content than ‘play’ Battle for Chores.

It’s only a matter of time before they make essence unlocks account-wide, just like they did for reputation-gated heart ilevel boosts a few patches ago. They’re front-loading all the grind so all the autistic ultra-tryhards obsessively grind every rank 3 essence on every alt before swapping in the QoL pass for everyone else.

I think essences can be fun extra ability but I don’t think they are core to your characters.

Polls aren’t allowed.

Secondly, blizzard does not design the game solely on what’s popular with the majority. If they did we would have flying right at max level.

I doubt they ever will be account wide because of how they are designed. You can earn them just by doing whatever content you like to do. Now if you want to get fussy about having ‘x’ one then you might have to go out of your way but all you literally have to do otherwise is just play your alt.


No, not at all.
I actually enjoyed back in Wrath (I left after that DLC) how gearing worked. I enjoyed learning my class at the high level doing normal or heroic dungeons. Granted dungeons were a lot more worth while doing back then too, especially with reputation tabards and better trash drops.
I think the current system is severely flawed. I focus on leveling alts, or playing basic content because I hate how they have it set up in BfA so much.

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Do what ESO does. Any auxiliary ability / stat such as essences should be account wide and unlocked once you hit max level on a character.

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I agree with this after opening the zones a few times on several alts. I am no longer willing to do it on any more alts.


I was doing this out of my own curiosity.

The poll results are heartwarming.

BFA seems to have been initially, and intentionally, designed as alt-unfriendly but lately that seems to have progressed into outright alt-hostility.

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Pretty much everyone thinks they should be bind on account or at the very least, have some sort of catchup available. Nobody wants to grind out the essences again on each char.

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I made this poll because apparently, yeah, some people want to… I just wasn’t sure of an estimate how many people…

This wouldnt be a problem if the essences were better designed to be useful primarily in the content that you do to get them. CLF and meme beam are just about the only examples of this being true. Blood of the enemy is possibly the worse offender, being very good in pve for a lot of classes.

Another problem is that a lot of essences gain significant or notable functionality at higher ranks, if it was only numbers and cosmetic upgrades a lot of these arguments wouldn’t be happening.

I didn’t bother to vote, of course, people want to take the lazy way. This forum is raider heavy it isn’t a representative sample of people who mostly just play world content.

See above. You aren’t getting a representative sample of players on this forum for one and for two this thread isn’t going to attract people who don’t want this anyway because quite frankly most of us are sick of you people crying about this. Whereas, you guys will never stop.

I suppose we’ll find out come 8.3 or so.

8.3 is too late :frowning:

Absolutely amazing how many people will go to bat for blizzard to say…

“please don’t let other people have things they have already earned on alts even though it totally doesnt affect me”.

Like seriously.

People just want to play the game. That’s more people in queue to play with. That’s more people pugging raids. It’s absolutely a good thing.

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