Poll: Essences on alts

I think in a vacuum I’d be okay with essences being as they are. Slinging around R3 meme beam the moment you ding 120 is a bit crazy.

But the entire rest of the xpac is already so obnoxious to alts in multiple other ways that it’s just another reason to not play them. So yeah, should be either BoA or have some kind of catch-up. The rep essences make you buy one spec’s essence full price then discount your other specs’. Do something similar for alts.


Doesn’t the neck grind already fulfil having to work hard?

If people want their alts as powerful as their mains, they’re no longer alts and should play them as much as their mains. Bethnic gear being BoA was already a big catch-up mechanic. Just shows when you give people an inch…

Exactly - we’ve already done the work; so it’s not free.

We just want the game to work in conjunction with the 1 person per account theme. If the game recognizes we’re the same person behind each character - why make us do the same boring stuff over and over again.

The game has plenty of good and challenging content for all of our characters - there’s no reason to lock them down behind the essenece/rep/ap grind.

Other RPG’s don’t - WoW doesn’t have to either.


For people who want “alts as powerful as mains” they’d need to do the benthic lottery which nobody with a solid state of mind will do twice.


What grind?

You can stumble your way to 65 with just running 1 M+10 a week.

Because different characters are supposed to be different?

You don’t Ding 120 on your Mage just because you went and gained 10 levels on your Rogue.

In much the same way getting an awesome trinket on one character doesn’t give all your characters, even the future ones you haven’t even created yet, the awesome trinket. Getting an Essences one of your characters does not grant an Essences to all your characters.

Whoa no kidding, you’re really ahead of the curve aren’t you.

Damn maybe I should make a post discussing this.

Also imagine comparing a trinket you get from killing a boss (If you’re a raider and it’s the content you enjoy) to spending tens of hours grinding bgs (content you don’t like).



But the game already functions in that way in some aspects.

Our neck ilvl was made BoA. xmogs are BoA. Mounts and pets are BoA.

The OP also isn’t asking for gear and levels to be BoA - even though other games do this.

They’re just asking for the essences to be BoA.


Nah he got me i want everything to be free.

I want BoA neck, BoA gear, BoA transmogs (I DONT CARE IF ITS LEATHER>MAIL), BoA Reps, BoA quest completion.

Literally exposed, smh retail players want everything soooo easy!


He didn’t say that though - are you trolling?

I don’t trust any polls since I know how to vote on them as many times as I like.

Anyway, I think essences should be account wide.


Essences are dumb. Stop taking abilities away to add timegated ones in the last quarter of the expansion.


Here here!

Good news is, I only have to renew once for the anniversary and that’s it.

Blizzard only gets $15 worth of WoW token from me.

They’d get more, but since my alts are unplayable with essences, they won’t.

My “Time Played” metric on my account has gone from 100+ hours a week to less than an hour too. I can only assume other altoholics are like me too, so I hope their investors enjoy that change.

Essences are having the opposite planned effect on their Time Played metric.


Honestly I agree with this a lot more than the suggestion I made earlier.

I’m all aboard the “catchup mechanic” train. Especially with fixing some of the worst offenders.

The mechagon one for example should have ways of funneling rep to alts (for example making the rep badges you buy with Crates BoA, putting new rep on boat missions and ways to speed up acquiring Galvanic Oscillators etc. on alts. And to a lesser extent same for Nazjatar and pearls (you can already send Benthic gear to alts so why not a few pearks as well).

Any essense tied to an achievement should be unlocked account wide too. 50k-100k honor in BGs? Sure. 50k honor in BGs on each of 3-4 different alts gets to be a bit much. Same with the follower dailies there’s really no need for that to be done multiple times.

Stuff like the M+ and raid essences I’m fine with how they are because you probably want to do that on alts anyway and it isn’t that unreasonable to get those to r3 if you just play your alt enough in higher level content.

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make them account wide and be done with it let me actually play my alts please

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I don’t see the problem with it. Making the game more alt friendly would just make us want to play it more, and blizzard is happy.

I firmly believe that any essence ranks obtained through achievements should be account wide. I’m totally OK having to open up rank 1, or farm that loot (as it were), because that’s how alts already work. However, a weeks long rep grind? No ty.

The options are slanted too. Some essences already have catchup mechanics (e.g. Crucible, which is gated by neck level, which is influenced by AK – it’s much easier to qualify for Rank 2 Crucible now than a month ago, and will be even easier a month from now even with no new mechanics). So “the way they are now, no catchup mechanics” is a lie. (I voted for it anyway, assuming it really meant “no additional catchup mechanics”).

But of course people who are going to click on this thread aren’t a representative sample. Blizzard knows by now that players are going to disagree on almost everything about WoW, including disagreeing with everything they do or don’t do; I don’t know what they consider good evidence about the views of the playerbase but I’m pretty sure this isn’t it.

And if you do any M+10s - not once a week, just once ever - then you already have a rank 3 essence for at least one spec of your alt.

The one thing that I never see an explanation of in threads like these is why people feel like they need instant rank 3s on alts in the first place? You want your alt to top the meters over other people’s mains?

Just like ilvl 440, Rank 3 is a goal to work toward, not a prerequisite to start playing. (Unless it’s an essence that comes from content you don’t enjoy, as someone upthread complained, in which case… use something else? Some people are unhealthily fixated on the concept of BiS and need to learn the concept of “good enough for the content I want to do”. Or for that matter the concept of “progression”, which requires not starting at the finish line.)

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