Poll: Essences on alts

This ultimately what it comes down to.

I speak for me and everyone of my guildmates.

If you force me to regrind essences i’ve already done, we’ll just not play. Thats roughly 22 people you just don’t seen online for 5/7 days of the week.

An alt is merely another character you play, no more no less. You can play alts as much as your main. People who think alts are only characters you play a little bit here and there misunderstand the term alt - you can play your alt a little bit but it’s not a requirement.

Even Wikipedia mentions “sometimes players may use them just as often”. And that’s because alt is merely short for alternative, which is a word that means another option (not less used option), and your main can be considered your main for reasons outside of playtime (for example you’re just more known as a particular character).

This sort of misunderstanding of terms leads to all sorts of rubbish arguments like “your alts are meant to be played as much, why do you need them completely geared”, which is incorrect. Maybe you do play them just as much and want those characters to be able to complete all content also. And the game should allow for that instead of forcing you into playing only one character through extreme artificial timegating for reasons that can only be described as dubious.

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BotE grind is real.
I have all the essences leveled to 3 on my alt but not attempting that bullcrap again even though it’s the BIS.