Poll: Do you read quest text?

Considering I’ve submitted bug reports when the grammar was wrong, yes I read quest text.

(and don’t worry, I wasn’t being a jerk about it. I simply let them know there was an error.)

Oh, dear N’zoth, no. I am not 5 years old. I don’t need to be read to.

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nope have never done - I think in 14 years have probably read about 5 of them because I got stuck and had to do so. I find it too tedious and I can’t remember the story anyway.

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The first time through, yes. After that? It depends on whether the mood strikes me. I read them more often than not, though. I love to read! I can’t not read, heh.


Reading wow quests is pure Enjoyment, i feel bad for people who never read them.

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I read them just about as much as you listen to your user feedback across all ur titles.


I’ve been here since 2004. I don’t read anything anymore.

Who’s asking?

Shots fired!

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do…do you watch all your movies with subtitles and no audio?

I’m also old enough to tell the difference between movies and textual entertainment.


I do, but only thoroughly the first time through, maybe a few times on an alt, but after that I click it away because I have the quests memorized and I already know what I am supposed to do.

Is this like…a community manager sunday troll thread?

~40% don’t read quest text? Like ever? Whut? :crazy_face:

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Probably not so regularly as I used to. But yeah, most of the time I do!

Only the first time.

Used to, not any more.
One day I realized I forget everything I read by the time I complete the quest, so stopped reading them altogether.

yeah the forum seems to be a huge rpg bubble. I rarely come across players who read quest texts. At least in retail

That’s sad and unfortunate. Why play an mmorpg if you (in the general sense) are just going to speed through and skip over as much as possible and treat the game like a lobby for queues? They make games just for that.


The World Quest in Highmountain where this Scooby Doo looking Taurenforker kept popping up into my Screen and tried to convince me to do his quest was the point where I downloaded an addon that removed the talking head.

Also does the option to remove the talking head in edit mode work by now? It didn’t for the longest time.

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Need more polls.

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