Poll: Do you read quest text?

I used to from Vanilla to Cata.

Then I sort of stopped caring because there seemed to be less pertinent information that would actually help me complete it and I was forced to either visit Wowhead, Thotbot, or download an addon.

Since I had to rely primarily on external sources for completion or troubleshooting(some of these are still badly bugged/broken and putting in a ticket for help results in a ‘Go check Wowhead’ auto-reply), I gave up on reading them and just got an addon. shrugs

I prefer Audiobooks.

I only read the main storyline quests. The rest I can’t bother.

Dont read unless I need to because most quests are easy to figure out without readong.

DOnt care about the story line

Nope, I’m so divested from the story I just look for the waypoints and highlighted objects. Wasn’t that way during the Surumar campaign though.

I want the talking box to go away asap. I accept quest and look at my log on what to do, everything between interacting with NPC and hitting accept is filler. I am glad WoW has one box, ESO has too many dialog options to spam through to hit the accept quest part.

Honestly depends on what story is being told.

If I’m being asked to kill 10 boars in the forest, I don’t care about the “story” behind that.

Really? Folks find 'em annoying?

How come, with the new UI we can put them in less intrusive locations and if its something we have heard before one can just right click on 'em and they go away
Like… what’s annoying about them?

Also in relation to the poll, yes I do read 'em - typically on the first playthrough and if on any alts I look at 'em at times to see if there’s anything “particularly” interesting in them, usually there ain’t but like if I missed any neat details the first time around

This I agree with. In-depth quests, I read, boars, nope.

They’re are polling across social media platforms too and all lean on no over yes


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Why in the world would they remove the quest text? Especially with a majority of players responding yes to this poll. This is probably to gauge about the quest helper that released in OG.

Two kinds of quest text. Simple text that describes what to do. This they can never remove. Then there are the quest texts with depth that describe the story. Especially with quest chains. It’s the depth quest text that I’m referring.

What’s OG?

My point is that it literally requires work to remove what is already in the game. No way they would do that and alienate 49% of the answerers here.

OG=original gangster. In this case, the original release of WOTLK.

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Makes sense.

I gotta know what the quest wants so I can choose to accept it or not.
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Honestly, I read the quick text. Unless it’s something that is interactive, like the old dragon dwarf in Dragonflight.

But when I hit a wall of text, it’s about like here on the forums. And I know some people have spent hours constructing a thread or a post only for to get buried underneath all the troll or derivative responses.

This isn’t like Morrowind and ye old days of pouring through text to find clues. Trapezing through a caldera for hidden notes scattered.

Between add-ons and the Internet, there’s hardly anything that could ever be hidden or misunderstood.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

They pretty much already are those, seeing as the quest dialogue currently has no continuity and usually makes no sense to speak of or otherwise is so grammatically garbled it might as well be: “Champion! Adlwjkrllwqa;;a;;fkmfekwazldlfk!”

Okay, wait. A baby dragon swallowed your ring and now i have to dig thorugh piles of What to find it?

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Yes, and diligently, I love the lore and story (minus Shadowlands) so please keep at it. Most are really well done.

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