Poll: Do you read quest text?

Verdaderamente no las leo, prefiero ver un youtuber contarme la historia a modo película. Espero que esta encuesta sea para hacer que los npc hablen mas a la hora de entregarte la misión y ellos mismos lean el texto. Saludod

I’m honestly surprised 54% said yes, thought it would be much lower.

The yes vote is still going strong.

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Yeah I hear ya I read the objectives/to do parts but not the general monologues

Yes. I personally enjoy reading quest text for the most part. Of course, if it is a quest that I know inside and out, or exceptionally short, I do skip reading it after about the 3rd alt I’m leveling. But to me they are helpful! Coming from Classic to DF, I have no friggin clue what to do, where to go, what to kill or get, so having that quest text AND a quest helper (I use Zygor), it really helps me.

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I read the quests in original so now I either skim them or not at all. There are occasions where I want to make sure I understand “what to do” - special item is used or something and so I’ll read it then.

Example: I have killed 30 boars for snouts and zero snouts have dropped (cause ya know snoutless pigs are a thing)… and I want to make sure I did miss something like I have to drink a special potion that got put into my bags I didn’t notice (or something similar you get the idea).


The few times I let my impatience get the best of me, I discover something like “I’ve been killing these cute faerie dragons for half an hour and just now I realize I was supposed to enchant them with that wand the quest giver dropped in my bags. Now I gotta wait for them to respawn.”


I only read the quest text the first time I do the quest as I wish to understand the story aspect of it. As others have stated, the pop up talking heads on repeatable quests is really annoying.

Wait…there’s text with quests? I just follow addons/mini map. Ain’t no body got time for reading quest text.

Well, this is the Quests forum. Pretty biased sample.

I usually do, but it depends. If a questline is about something that still doesn’t interest me a few steps in, I just skip the dialogue and get on with the objectives.

I find the centaurs in particular really boring and cliched noble savages that the Warcraft universe already has more than enough of, and the storyline of that zone is just about one clan being evil for evil’s sake. It seems like they wanted to make a society based on the Mongols, but it lacks any sense of depth or immersion. Their traits are HONOR (like we see everywhere else already), enjoying hunting, and disliking outsiders.

But on the other hand, in the very same expansion, they made the Tuskarr (and surprisingly the Winterpelt) very interesting and likeable.

I do, but I’d really like a toggle option for you to turn all quests into talking heads with voiced lines that continues even after closing the dialogue window to some extent. Because not everyone plays at the same speed but when everyone is rushing ahead, you get left behind if you’re reading.

Always! I really like the story of mission chains

Always read quest text.

I read quest text when leveling in cata content, the writers were genuinely funny people in that era.

Recent expansions, the writing is kinda flavorless so I skip it.

Overall I want less text, fewer talking heads and popups interrupting my view, and more intuitive quest design instead. If a quest design just creates a “wowhead moment”, go back to the drawing board on that quest.