Poll: Do you read quest text?

I only read it myself when I’m stuck, however when the AI mod reads it to me I really enjoy that.

The YES has it.

People do read the quest text and those who think those that said yes are liars when you’re the one that is assuming others don’t take the time to read the quest text.

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Hell yeah, I read all the quest text on all my characters. That’s where the story is. I play for the story, not the end game.


I’ve played WoW on and off for over 15 years and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever read a quest’s text.

I always read quest text in new content! Don’t ever remove it!


Yes. If people knew what was going on, it makes the experience better.

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In fact, there are times when I’ve done quests one at a time. I try to play like I’m on a progression server. So I lock my lvl to the expansion I’m on and do the content and unlock when I’m ready to move on…lol


i dont.
i prefer someone saying things to me. so more voiced quests maybe? idk.

I don’t want them removed I want them improved upon and brought up to SWTOR standards or closer to more of an rpg with optional choice pathways.

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I normally only read quest-text when I am doing quests for the first time. After that, I just accept the quest I’m starting and complete it!


The options are seriously lacking, lol.
I read it if I have to or when Im in the mood.
None of those applied

I’ll say it now. If they remove quest text, I quit the game. I know people threaten this but you do not know me. I…WILL…QUIT. You will have taken away half the reason I play this game and the other half will become irrelevant.

I’m just one person so no one will care, but at least I don’t have to play a game I’m not enjoying.


Sometimes, but mostly…no. I have already done a lot of quests in wrath the 1st time around.

I read quest text in any RPG if I am interested in the story.

Unfortunately, I kinda checked out from Dragonflight’s story during that scene where Alexstrasza was confused why she didn’t get her aspectral powers back, asked “wHy It nO WoRk?” and the wind primalist showed up, twirled her mustache and then left.

That, and key points of the story are locked away behind group content so I see no reason to look into it any further. If I get curious I’ll just watch a YouTube video.

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You would be far away from the only one to quit if they removed or neutered where 90% of the story and lore of the game comes from.


It’s kind of unnerving that they are asking this…like for what purpose? Just to know, or do they have an agenda. :eyes:

Sometimes, but not always.

Which should have been an option.

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I wish i could say i read them. But have been playing horde for the first time and run in circles because i just glanced at the text and go straight to the objectives in the bottom. I love the voiceover addon in classic era. We need one in wrath. Maybe a little better done on the horde side. Those guys sound way too human and nerdy for orcs and trolls.

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I hate it when I do stuff like that and the bad part is, I’ll read the quest text beforehand and still screw it up.

Sometimes I even put in a ticket about it before I realize I messed up.
Not so much anymore though.

What was the question?