Poll: Do you read quest text?

Another great example about why those interview questionnaires some employers require you to fill out are terrible.

This is NOT a yes or no question for me. I sometimes read quest text. It really depends on whether I find the quest interesting or not, and if I am invested in the storyline the quest is a part of.

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I went for the jokey response, but for real, I skim. I scan it for the feel of the NPC’s personality and setup, but when it gets to the actual details of the “Collect 12 boar butts and put them in a pile” I zone out and figure quest markers will tell me what to do.

And then they don’t, and THEN I read the quest text in detail.

And then the detail doesn’t help, and I go to WoWHead :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I read it the first time and read it again with a toon if it’s been a while since I’ve read it.

Mostly stopped, perhaps only a few occasions I’ll read.

The old format is not interesting anymore. I’d love to have interest quest text that is voiced. That helps set the stage for that thing in particular.

The text also just isn’t good, then you see ‘‘go kill x thing’’ ends up being anti climactic. Hence why I just go straight to the objective.

What could be the outcome of such a poll?

Hopefully not all quests just become ;

“Hail Champion (or whatever weʻre gonna call you this expansion) Follow the quest markers and do the thing!”

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I start reading the all the quests, but after 3 or 4, I just skip them.
Voice acted quests would be nice.

Yes, but only on the first playthrough.

For alts I skip it.

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Sometimes and when I do, I really enjoy it. The reasons I don’t other times is because I don’t have time and trying to get as much done as possible or I’m too tired. :dracthyr_uwu:

So I picked the 3rd option. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

The snarky jerk in me made me pick “what was the question.”

Sorry not sorry.

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I read whats important to me.
if im doing a quest and its only for a dumb reason and I dont like the faction/rep who im doing it for I wont read it. Otherwise I’ll read.

Example: I dont read the 4 legged guys quests because im not interested in them, what they do, where they are from or what they can offer me. just dont like em. so if i HAVE to do a quest for them, i wont read the quest.

if im doing something for the dragonscale expedition i’ll read every word carefully and dive as deep into it as I can and remember most of it.

I read most of the quest text first time through in DF, but honestly the storylines for most of the quests we’re flat out boring, a lot of them are heavily re-used concepts. Maybe if they actually tied into the overall story more, they’d be more interesting.

Now keep doing polls like this for major decisions.
Might give you a better gauge of the community and how certain changes will blow up in your face
but ahead of time.

First time through but like giga-sparknotes. I mainly stopped reading certainly after mists of pandaria.

And no my lack of reading isn’t because of quest helper. I am just not young anymore to spend hours trolling through thottbot/allakazam/tentonhammer/wowhead. I know when I want to play I already spend time well above the median and avg. But I have just figured I can get more content done by blitzing through things (not meaning expansion week 1 blitz tho).

I am aware of what I need to do on each quest if I do it again and I do know the storylines. So don’t lump me in with the usual criticisms by the classic audience that retail doesn’t have anything memorable these days. It does and gear is easy to remember. Besides who cares what classic players say, they suffer to drowning and still click.

If I have but one suggestion for quest text, it would aid infinitely if quests had narration. Like it’s the easiest layup y’all could have done to help questing since WoD/legion and I just don’t know why it hasn’t been done yet. Lastly, please allow for edit mode modification of the talking heads. I have had it covered with leatrix plus since legion and such a large ui element in the low center does cover things.

Tl;dr but not really tl;dr

  • quest helper is NOT why I do not read quest text
  • I want to get more things done and sitting reading everything is just not conducive to my life (this is not a plea to make things convenient for people with 1 hour/decade to play)
  • narration would help make quest text mean more
  • quests and characters are as memorable now as they were in earlier eras of WoW, they just don’t stick because people go in on the wrong foot and said characters have had a short lifespan in order to be remembered
  • don’t make retail like classic, but if you do (because who knows if classic cata will exist or survive), provide a toggle to appease both crowds for questing

I use the addon immersion to read the quest text now and it’s much much better. I used to read everything as well but a lot of it is blah blah blah now go get me 5 bear butts.

For the main quests however I do end up reading quite a bit of it.

If Blizz does away with quest text, I’ll be very upset. Maybe not everyone reads it, but it’s crucial to the immersion and flavor.

I’d much rather the talking heads windows go away.


Some of these responses and answers to the poll sadden me.
Maybe I’m just too much of a lore nerd but why even play an RPG if quests don’t matter?
I love RPGs because it’s like reading a book with all the quests, but then I get to play through it.

I hope new gamers don’t take the RPG elements down with them.


Sometimes, I read. But if the text is to long, since I cant stand leveling I start to zone out and just want to get to max level.

I always imagine an entire forum going “I’m Sparticus!” when I see that phrase.

I feel like every possible option on every possible system can start their argument with “This is an MMORPG”.

(so I don’t feel that it should matter if there is a majority “yes” or “no” in the poll 
 as long as it matters to some people, it matters)

if you say Yes then you are a liar, no way so many people say yes

rarely the one time i did read the invisible lover one in elwynn i was disappointed at the ending bc idk what happened to the couple so i didn’t want to read anymore lol

also missed opportunity to put maybe for a Malcom in the middle ref lol