Poll: Do you read quest text?

When the story is good. Still waiting for that to happen in DF.

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I would very much like to answer an enthusiastic ā€œYES!ā€, but I fear the centaur history quest proved to me that Iā€™m just skimming it over and not really absorbing the information.

WoW has taught me over the years not to linger with a quest box open - the NPC might move away or a mob might aggro me, so Iā€™m trained to be in a bit of a rush to pick up or complete.

Also, I donā€™t enjoy trying to decipher instructions from quest text - partly just because the parts of my brain that play this game tend to be more geometrical than linguistic.


There should be a ā€œsometimesā€ option. If Iā€™m particularly interested in the story and/or characters involved I will like the recent blue dragon quest line. I even enjoyed the simple whelp daycare quest line.


It depends on if Iā€™m interested in the characters enough to read everything. Generally I donā€™t read quest text.

50% yes? This is surprising

I used to read all quest dialogue until around bfa. Wod and legion had some really cool quest text. Sometimes Iā€™ll still see something thatā€™s pretty funny pop up here and there in dragonflight.

Always at least once.


I read quest text the first time around, typically. Some quests are particularly good and Iā€™ll reread them repeatedly.

Not everything was, but there were some very well written and thoughtful pieces in Dragonflight and Iā€™d love to see more of that in future expansions, or even for it to become a standard. Thatā€™s a lot of work to put in if this many people donā€™t even read, though.


Technically the ā€œwhat was the questionā€ isnā€™t a yes, which means itā€™s a no. So its 56% against atm.



I do.

Iā€™ve always enjoyed your side stories. Thereā€™s a lot of good stuff in those.


Almost never, but sometimes if Questie isnā€™t loading and Iā€™m unfamiliar with the quest.

The worst thing is that talking heads would make my life as a no-reader even better. I have them completely disabled. That would effectively eliminate quest text, but would make it worse for people who want quest text.

Changing my vote to yes now, yikes.

nm, canā€™t change it :frowning:


Sometimes, but usually not. I do so enjoy when stuff is voiced.

I do 100% prefer voiced. One thing I loved about ESO, but I do read it when it is a story that I am more curious about for lore reasons. Like something that has to do with Scarlet Crusade or Pirates or something different than whatever the new theme was of the expansion. But I am also a roleplayer so those affect how I play my character more.

No, the default quest log is tiny and hard to read for me. I use a voice addon for classic and my questing experience has improved drastically.

Depends I guess. lol

hmmm I am going to say no

That would be a no for me