Poll: Choosing a Covenant

It would be nice if you’d give us more information on the covenants so that we can make informed decisions.

yes just like legion legendaries, azerite traits, essences, and corruptions, there will be great balance and no must picks.

I voted for Night Fae, Reason being, blizzards balancing track record is crap, and if the “best one ever” becomes the thing for the majority, it’ll get nerfed anyway.
it just wont get nerfed until enough people are used to using it and banking on the ability.
sooo instead i’ma just pick the one that i feel has the best looking Tmog and call it a day.

They should have just had 3 Covenant Abilities for Healing/DPS/Tanking for each Covenant.

Trying to balance all these different moves across classes when classes still aren’t even balanced is going to be a nightmare.

That’s a reach that Mr fantastic would be proud of. Saying that the person who is vocal about their dislike is more responsible than someone who is supporting it.

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The problem is they just wont be able to “nerf” easily because there will be a big outrage since they already said that switching covenants is possible but INCREDIBLE SLOW to join another one and if by some reason you want to re join the one you left you’re again stuck with a huge grind on your way

It will be similar to corruptions where 2 weeks in the heavily nerf echoing void. Then a month later they nerf td. If you bought those with millions of gold as a boe you poop out of luck.
Same deal will happen with covenants where people pick one then it gets nerfed then they regrind with a new one hoping it doesn’t get nerfed too…

Blizzard is creating problems for themselves they do not need. Best case scenario is they put a huge amount of dev time into getting them close so no major nerfs need to happen. Personally I would rather they make a quick system where you can change abilities and spend the limited development time elsewhere

A bit off. If you continue to pay Blizzard money - you’re the one supporting it, even though it benefits those that enjoy the suffering it causes.

I’m just enjoying the repercussions of their system.

It’d be like nationalists in Australia rooting for Germany during WWII (myself in the analogy) vs someone that is giving the Germans money to continue doing what they’re doing, even though that someone doesn’t like what the Germans are doing (you in the analogy).

Right, but they have said silly stuff like that before as well, and still do it.

Heck look as recent as Corruptions, people spent millions of gold on best corruptions from BoE’s, then they nerfed some of them, then added a vendor and nerfed more of them.

They nerf things all the time when it becomes the best thing without even considering what people have done for those things.

another Example is racials, or class/specs, if everyone takes the teleport for doing M+ they will nerf it regardless of how many people are using it, if you’ve played Blizzard games long enough you know its true.

Edit: as for racials - They nerfed the Orc racial not long after the PvP talent to reduce stuns was added, so they don’t stack any more like they did at first. I can bet that people that PvP as their main aspect of the game had even race changed for that little advantage due to all the stuns blizzard had added to everyone.

There is something wrong with you when you make this kind of comparison for something as light as a video game choice/opinion.


I will simply be picking the one who has the best transmog that fits with the theme of my class. Naturally it looks like Kyrian on Paladin, Venthyr on Hunter and Night Far on Druid

These forums: “People will pick what they like!”
Also these forums: The Covenant with the worst ability is the least voted for. The covenant with the best ability is the most voted for.


To top it off GD is like, the most care-bear media WoW has, you get berated if you’re “elitist” in any form, and it’s still a landslide against Kyrian.


It’s pretty much only the LFR/WQ and “clear AotC 3 months later than even PuG’s do” types that actually think that.

Anyone who cares the slightest about performance is just going to pick whatever is the best, or whatever Icy Veins tells them is the best.


Covenants = Azerite armor 2.0.



Ill eventually choose all of them since I have enough alts to cover mogs for each covenant. But my main focus will be on Kael’thas and Tyrande’s stories so both of the covenants to start.

They nerf all the time and never a single developer has to answer for it, they send blue cs reps to post anonymous patch notes.

The whole covenant idea is just another borrowed power grind system and will have BIS talents for different specs.

Instead of fixing the actual class and specs, they add yet another layer to grind for that is pretty but will suck big time. The new WoW model is not to fix things but to add things to cover up the bad unfixed designs. Add more and more to fix more and more. That is what the neck is, the cloak, the AZ gear, etc…


It’s just an analogy to explain how him giving money to the company designing the system is more supportive than someone just enjoying the ramifications of the system.

It’s an extreme example, sure - but the point is made well for it. I tried to be respectful and not use any derogatory terms in the process. Not sure what else you want.

By the replies I have a strong feeling many people will pick the fotm covenant, and when it gets nerfed to the ground they will keep changing to the next best thing over and over.

Then they will come here to complain about how the system sucks.

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We already are. But so far it’s falling onto deaf ears.


jokes on you on this one… there’s no “complain” the feedback is here and it’s mostly negative towards it… they are doing deaf ears on players again.