Starting zones were where your character got their racial identity. I get the feeling they’d rather people were less attached to their characters and more willing to reroll in response to gameplay changes.
When the game has content at a difficulty level specifically tuned for that mindset, that’s how the game is designed. So the dev’s are giving the players that enjoy that style of play an Avenue for enjoyment. For casuals, there’s normal raiding and lower dungeon keys.
It’s not the players fault for wanting to play content in a manner that the game has been designed for.
RPG games have always been just as much about power progression fantasy and overcoming the toughest challenges as the lore and story. Spouting the same “spreadsheet simulator” response makes you sound completely clueless to the gaming community your surrounded by.
At the level of content that you’re participating in, I’m sure that’s fine. Some people like to participate in more difficult content though, and even if they didn’t, it’s not wrong to want to be the best you can make yourself in an RPG. Some of us enjoy ourselves by striving to be more than simply “functional”.
Look, I’m happy that you’re happy, but there are people out there that don’t play the way you do and they aren’t happy. Telling those people that they’re essentially wrong to feel this way is slightly arrogant. And I know both sides do it to the other, it’s still wrong.
Perhaps separating soulbind and covenant choices and tieing abilities to the soulbinds would help make it better. SOMETHING needs to change before this goes to beta. And it needs to be something big.