Well we are close to a major election here in the states. After its over I suspect it will die down. Just turn off trade chat if it bothers you that much.
It’s the internet
I just disable trade chat and the other chats, there’s no way you can stop people on the internet from discussing things like politics
I hate it too but you just gotta deal with it
Oh no, I totally get you. I mostly watch independent commentary myself. Makes for good background noise while I gather stuff. Or I pop in an audiobook.
I personally prefer the full context to stuff. If someone says something, I kind of want the full context. It’s why reading headlines is cancerous since the headline is usually all people read and maybe a paragraph, so they can distort a lot of context because most readers won’t make it the whole way. They want a snap one minute takeaway.
Context changes a lot about it, I guess a good example is the whole “Trump never denounced racial hate groups” which in its full context he literally denounces specific groups in his statement after Charlottesville back in 2017. Hell the White House website has a transcript posted that blatantly disproves this claim. But most people get the “Very fine people on both sides” sound byte only and nothing more so have the complete wrong opinion. Whether you like or hate the guy it’s just inarguable fact he did denounce them.
The fact this card can still be played over three years later is a wake up call to how short term memory our voterbase is. Some people you don’t even need a platform, you just need to say one thing they want to hear and they’ll vote for you on that single issue.
Hard agree.
You’d think but again, our population has gotten dumber. We’ve gotten new toys that make things convenient but we’ve seriously gotten dumber over time. Half of our country would disagree that grass is green if their opposition merely asserted it to be the case along party lines.
There’s a comic that references this mentality perfectly. A guy is walking and sees a sign that says “Team A”, picks it up and says “What’s this?” He then sees a guy waving a flag saying “Team B” and he just responds with “Wow! F*ck that guy!” That it politics now. We haven’t gotten smarter, we’ve gone backwards. People hinge their entire voting on a singular issue, get into a football team mentality about politics. . . we kinda deserve this.
Four more years.
You sound like a right wing snowflake. Don’t be one.