Polished Pet Charms in The War Within

I believe they will continue to be the currency in TWW. Do we know if there will be any pet which will cost a huge whack like 5-10k?

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im going to say, probably

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Certainly, nothing’s been announced, so all you’re going to get is speculation or wishing-out-loud.

There would have been some sort of announcement if they’d intended to replace them - especially since they just converted all the old Shiny ones to Polished.

Never depend on Blizzard to announce changes to charms…they really dumped on player years back when they changed from shinny to polished there was very little warning short warning about it happening…many players got stuck with tons of the old charms cause they don’t visit the forums or other pets sites for info …there was tons of upset players for sure back when it happened.

I just brought 5 new pets in the new area tonight …each one cost 50 charms…there is pet seller there in the first major city you’ll come too once you start TWW.

There was plenty of warning. If folks don’t pay attention to announcements, that’s their fault.

Most wow players don’t visit these forums now…when I found out about it I warned my guild and many of my close friends online about it happening…very few players come here and read the forums or another wow infused sites.

Actually there wasn’t if you’re talking about Blizzard telling us about it. It was casually mentioned among other pending changes and not emphasized much at all. Only reason I was forewarned was through this forum.

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There were articles on WoWhead, MMO Champion, other sites, and posts here. If you don’t pay attention to news sources for the games you play, then you can’t get mad when a change happens that you didn’t know was coming. Your willful ignorance isn’t Blizzard’s fault.

There are actually 10, for 50 Charms each. Five from the Charm Trader, 5 from the Stable Master.

This reminds me of the Vogons’ response to humans complaining about Earth being blown up.

“There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now. … What do you mean you’ve never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh, for heaven’s sake, mankind, it’s only four light years away, you know. I’m sorry, but if you can’t be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, that’s your own lookout. Energize the demolition beams.”

― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


The devs know perfectly well that the majority of the playerbase are about as likely to visit Alpha Centauri as they are the forums or MMO-C - or Wowhead, outside looking up a quest location.

It wasn’t malicious, but it was an oversight, and they did generate a lot of bad will for it.


Cool thanks for the info I hadn’t found the stable master yet…will do now…thank you again.

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It was a huge oversight on Blizzards part …I tried to warn many players after finding out about the change…and as what I said most hadn’t heard about it cause they don’t use these forums or MMO champ or wowhead much other then they might look up a quest on wowhead if they need help that is about most players use wowhead for now.

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Sorry to say those 5 on the Stable master are same one that are on the Charm Trader now…I just went over there and they are same one I got off Charm person.


Oh, D’OH! You’re right.

Thank you.

I was sleepy at the opening last night, and I just bought everything without looking. So now I have two of each. No biggie, but I do feel stupid. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can sell them on the AH if you want or cage up and give to friends …don’t feel bad …as they say chit happens…we all learn…

Thing is, there was no way for humans to find out about the notice of demolition - we literally don’t have the technology to even find out about it, much less appeal it. However, there were lots of places you can easily learn about upcoming changes to WoW.

Just out of curiosity, how should they have let people know - outside of all the ways that the information was already available?

We discussed this at the time.

My favorite option would have been for Breanni to send a mail to all pet battlers (many ways for them to make that list.)


I’ll admit, that’s a decent idea. That said, I don’t know of any other times that Blizzard has sent out notices of game changes like that before. I also guarantee that there would be complaints - not about the change, but about being forced to getting mail about it.