Polished Pet Charms in The War Within

Interesting that was no need for concern about Polished Pet Charms continuing to be pet currency in TWW. Yes, it is, but not much you can buy with it there. Except for five 50-charm pets all the other vendor pets require new TWW currencies.

Pet battle WQs continue to drop the Charms, so you can stock up on pets you didn’t buy in previous couple of expansions.

Well, I had an interesting idea, but I don’t know if anyone would go for it.

Since we now have warbanks, what if those among us who have an ungodly amount of Pet Charms could buy their own bank tab, which could be used only for pet supplies. Like leveling stones and the other assorted goodies, even spare pets that you’d like to sell in the AH or keep them as gifts to give to other players.

I know from my own experience that I collect an awful lot of redundant pets which often turn up as drops as I’m trying to get the pets I need.

Anyhow, this new bank tab for pet supplies would cost an exorbitant amount of pet charms. Not only would you have your own place to keep your extra charms, but you could unload some of them to buy this tab.

As for the question about a new currency in TWW for pets, in a sense there already is. I can’t think of it now, but I know that’s at least one Renown vendor who sells a pet, but in order to buy it, you have to attain a certain level of Renown and I think it’s purchasable only with the local currency.

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Aside from Pet Charms, what I’ve seen so far is vendors asking one Firelight Ruby, or large quantities of Kej, Resonance Crystals, or Undercoin for the pets they sell.