What? I’m glad you sat down, and explained inflation to me, but my guy…I literally said provide substantial evidence that multiboxing is a problem, and then you just spent the entire post explaining how inflation works.
Probably because up until recently, multiboxing software was not against the ToS, and therefore, did not need to hide from the anti-cheat mechanisms.
90%+ of the server population cares. You aren’t playing by yourself, you are playing with thousands of other people.
One guy with 5+ characters all working for the benefit of ONE character gives that character a 5x advantage over everyone else, especially in the economy.
Try convincing 4 of your friends to play the game with you for hours on end and give you all the materials and items you all farmed together for your sole benefit, probably wouldn’t work out, especially at this stage of the game where people need the value of what they farm to stay up, otherwise they cannot maintain enough liquid assets for their play time and their either unsub or resort to RMT, which then makes the problem worse.
So? I have 5x more opportunity than you, I also have the ability to multibox. I’m not the mass majority of players. Mind you I farm things that groups WONT actually farm.
Isn’t this literally a reason towards why multiboxing should be allowed. People won’t group to farm these items. How are they inflated, when there’s practically none of them without someone like me farming it?
RMT needs to be addressed then. Multiboxing doesn’t need to be punished. Multiboxing is a subset minority user group. I’m only hearing anecdotal reasons as to why people think the economy is inflated. I mean, so far I haven’t heard anything that proves you’re impacted significantly as a direct relationship to multiboxing.
Edit: More importantly why are we even debating multiboxing at all? The entire, and I mean the ENTIRE policy change, is for bot prevention.
Not really, considering all the best rewards come from content that can’t be MB’d.
You can Mbox raids in classic. A person on my server is known to do this.
“[A] person…” – again this is a minority. You personally are not impacted by this.
Botters are a minority as well should we leave them alone. There is maybe 1 bot per 1000 legit players. That argument doesn’t mean that its not ok for the game.
What are you talking about. I’ve reported alone, a minimum of 30 bots. Two weeks ago I took stock of the amount of bots running in BRD, ZG, BS, and EP/WP picking flowers. In total, without fail, COLLECTIVELY had 50 bots. Two months ago I reported an entire guild of bots, that were ~25 members. Now there’s a new bot guild called “Sanctuary” on my server, that has 5 hunters running DM alone. You know how many people I know of boxing on my server? About 3. I mean seriously boxing, 3+ characters.
Those bots are what still probably 50 out of what 9k+ players on your server. Multiboxers are more common than you think. If you talk to some of the gold farmers on realms that don’t bot they actually multibox as well you just dont see them as often when people are raid logging.
That’s still a RMT problem. That’s not a multiboxing problem, and it’s still far and few between what the bots are doing. The bots are running 24 hours a day, nobody sitting in front of those machines. And as I’ve said before Blizzard clearly stated this is for bot prevention.
I can’t even debate this anymore, these arguments are so weak. You guys aren’t going to change your minds on it, no matter how badly you’re losing this debate.
Yes its a bot prevention method. It will allow them to easier blanket police injection into wows memory space and other things.
You can still do your multi box the manual way. Just because its not as easy anymore.
That depends on how many MB’s you have. I know Prepared used to MB raids.
The sad thing is this won’t cause bots to even blink an eye.
Looks like they took the automation out of multiboxing. A fair thing to do i think.
Multiboxing is actually going to require some hardcore skill now at least.
Oh cool. Didn’t know you were part of the design team. /s
It is patently obvious that the game is designed to play one character at a time when they didn’t allow you to open multiple windows and play several alts from the same account at the same time
Eh… if blizzard wanted to break running multiple instances of WoW they easily could, would be far easier than anything else they’re trying to do…
if blizzard wanted to break running multiple instances of WoW they easily could,
They did break it for the vast majority of players. If blizzard wanted people to multibox they easily could let people do it with their single account. That they didn’t break it 100% and allowed a tiny fraction of players to pay extra to play multiple accounts doesn’t mean they designed the game for those few players
i gotta kick out of the official term for “bot”.
Oh cool. Didn’t know you were part of the design team. /s
I’m not a pilot either but I know a plane is designed to fly.
Either the game was designed to play one character at a time, or there’s been a long, unresolved bug that doesn’t allow me to.