Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

LOL no multiboxers is why u can afford ur herbs ore and regents we keep the market fair watch how expensive crap is in SL you will eat those words I can guarantee it

You keep telling yourself that.

“soon to be considered” -_-

Another standard that Blizzard/ACTIVISION loves to broadcast.
We’ll think about making this punishable?
Please explain to everyone in a clear way how a normal person would mulit-box. Hey! Make a video about it!
Show everyone how they can run multiple instances of WoW!
I mean, it’s not going to be against the rules so wheres the harm if there is an “Official” way to multi-box without being banned.
Explain how to control each instance separately, manually without the use of mirroring keystrokes.
Explain how multi-boxing is a “Fun”, “Awesome”, “New”, and “Exciting” way to get the full experience of Shadowlands.
Explain all of this and then make a decision about this.
Until then, sit in the ivory tower on top of your deadlines and market ideas.
That’s really all you are good at.
The really sad news is that Blizzard Entertainment has become a corporate entity, instead of staying Video game players who love to play games, which is how the company was originally founded.

The Warden is not allowed to check running software due to German privacy laws. The Warden is only allowed to check WoW’s own memory, so it works by checking it for tampering.

Terms of Use do not supersede actual laws, and you don’t get away with breaking the law by saying “well, they agreed to let me”.


It helps that most countries (besides the US) are less tolerant of corporate nonsense.

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  1. From a neutral point of view, examine their statement and this decision to understand their intent.
  2. Ask yourself if your KVM + VMs solution to avoid using software broadcasters would go against their intent behind this decision.
  3. Ask yourself if every solo herber or miner would or would not report multiboxers the moment they spot them, regardless of if they used software muxing or any kind of (real or virtualised) hardware solution.

Do you feel lucky? It’s been a good long time. Read the writing on the wall.

FINALLY!!! Thank You Blizzard!

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Germany’s privacy laws do not stop anti cheat software, Sorry fam but if this were the case no online game would be sold to germans, Privacy laws do not interfere with anti tampering protection systems, Only against the theft of personal privacy. Anti cheat software is the equivilent of you being patted down at the airport for anti PEOPLE hardware.

As such it is not considered relevant.

Solo herber’s and miners can cry all they want, Blizzard has STATED in VERBATIM that Multi boxing is not banable and it is fine, I’ll even link the page where it says it to you

It only says no to Software broadcasters, Nothing about hardware.

If you expand the statement to examine their decision it’s to stop botters from using multiboxing software because it’s become hard to seperate botters from boxers.

You wont find botters using hardware boxing solutions as it’s too obnoxious to program for as it stands it goes

Multi Boxer

Botter using multi box software


Person with a hardware multi plexer


Bot with a hardware multi plexer


Multi boxing isn’t banned champ were still here.


I have 3 accounts myself. But I have never used 3rd party software to automate my play. I put all 3 accounts on the screen at once (in Windowed mode), use follow, and can quickly and easily hit abilities on all 3. It’s not difficult at all.

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We didn’t need multiboxers farming millions of herbs and ore in order for undercutting to be possible. The server population will always settle into a price based on supply and demand. If you feel that price is too expensive, then go out and collect the material yourself.

People forget that professions are part of this game. Some people enjoy them, yes even gathering. Just because you might not like spending time gathering doesn’t mean multiboxing should be allowed.

Great, now plz fix Loot-a-rang ! <3


Typical people don’t do any research and assume they know what there talking about and they don’t do some research before ya all come to the conclusion (and delusion) that multiboxers are bad

google is your friend
it isnt automation look the word up before you try to use it in a sentence

No matter how we explain it arguing with these people is the equivalent of banging your head into a brick wall.

Their buckets are full already we cannot add more to their limited knowledge.


Finally. Thanks Blizzard.

I’ll continue to report them.

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For what, Playing the game? read again, Multi boxing isn’t banned.

You do know they can use software right?

You do know we can use hardware multi boxing right? And that’s how we did it before isboxer and autohotkey were around?


Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance.

I’ll report whoever is multiboxing. Hardware or software. Yes, now everyone can report. Do it! Ban the cheaters using it.